That harrowing video of the *vaxxed* senior being required to quarantine *should* shake people awake and make them realize this is about surveillance, not the public health supposedly provided by the injection.

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Karen Bracken

Excellent collection, thanks!

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You are most welcome. As always I appreciate those that take the time to be enlightened to the world around us.

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Red pilling doctors. How. Can we send them a letter through each hospital in each city. 1. DOJ WHISTLE BLOWER HEARINGS. LINK. 2. PFIZER DOCUMENTS RELEASES most significant findings 1 through 4. Links. Significant adverse events medical literature, link.  All cause mortality link. Insurance industry data. Link. Ask for volunteers from each city to track the Hospitals physicians, addresses and emails. Then do with nurses. Then do with spiritual leaders. Then do with school board trustees. Then do with teachers. When MSM spouts 24-7 lies we need to organize.

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Birx must be held accountable for her crimes against humanity.

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I agree. Both Birx and Fauci lied to the public and deceived the President of the United States. Perhaps we all need to start contacting our federal legislators and demand they get a committee hearing and grill these two people. The DOJ will never press charges against them so the most we can hope for at this point is a House and Senate hearing and a committee to investigate. A lawyer could also find someone damaged or murdered by the vaccine and file a class action lawsuit against them personally. Bankrupting Birx and Fauci would be the best justice of all. They should not sail off into the sunset multi-millionaires on the suffering of people all over the world.

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You are so right. The U.S. is the last stand.

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on electric vehicles being a way to reduce private vehicle use:


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Awesome. Thanks. All of the UN Agenda 21 documents, Global Biodiversity Assessment clearly state as well that cars are unsustainable. So is air conditioning, pastures, dams, consumerism, population growth, private property (remember that includes your body/mind), ski slopes, golf courses, paved roads, single family homes, large hoofed animals and many more items. Also, stated is the earth capacity is 1-2 billion people in order to sustain the current lifestyle. I will gladly share the article you posted. THANKS....is it ok if I give credit to SomeDude for the article??

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you're welcome to share it, but there's no need to credit me.

I just "borrowed" it from somewhere else on substack anyway, I think the End Times Headline News, and figured it was very apropos for your article here.

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Thanks. I will just add a THANKS to Dude. It is just something I do whenever I share something that I did not find on my own and that others were kind enough to think of me and share the info they find.

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no worries!

my substack pseudonym getting a little love. whee!

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According to others scientists who have studied the history of "germ theory' and "vaccines", polio was seen during 1st world war and later after wwii, from poisonous shots and spraying of ddt. Every disease was almost always manmade by pharma. Check dr. Kaufman end of germ theory. Makes a lot of sense.

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