I feel like we are on the Defence. And we need to go on the Offense. I just posted this on Dr. Alexander's substack. The most important is for those of wealth and connections to figure out alternative banking systems in red states or through their religious institutions.

The schools are teaching communism. Shame of the nation state and our history. Take down statutes. Shame and mutuability of the self that was born. Destruction of family and parental authority. Borders are open. It's an attack not only democracy which is immaterial in a technocracy of compliance. An attack on institution religion. On the family unit. Vp Harris says children of the community are just that children of the community. Paid daycare in Canada will be indoctrination centers. Take their minds. Unseat what they know. The death injections are almost the least of it. The ccp style social credit system of the doctors. Speak and I take your right to practice. Start now with every alternative to their hate and theft of soul and life. 1. Set up in every state and province a new and alternative Regulatory body for doctors. 2. Go back to your churches to your mosques to your temple to your synagogues create abilities to share information and goods through these AND among these. The rape of tradition was just one step. They made it seem silly to believe in God. But this was simply because the one they worshiped was evil. They in 2 generative havec taken tradition through the worship of science. I have a science degree. This

Validity did not need to take down our traditions.

3. Know your schools your teachers and push in. Push in. Preserve text books and literature the new curriculum is such tripe. And communism and shame of humanity. Teach self sufficiency. Our children have such an uphill battle if we don't STAND. With vision and unison. NOw.

Teach national pride. Teach freedoms. 4.**** Alternative financial institutions. Set them up through your religious institutions now. Pool your money figure it out. Debanking is the next step in control. Lean into credit unions. Red states should change their banking laws Stat.!!!! 5. Set up new pharma Regulatory bodies THE FUCKING END sorry about them and reject wholy the bodies that currently front pharma and fail in their duties. 6. Grow food like your life depends on it. Because maybe it does. All the industrial roofs. In your homes on your balconies. Grow lights and seeds. 7. Starve the beast. What companies are the beast .meta Amazon. Just see what Blackrock owns. 8. Hackers who love humanity your task is set. 9. Fly your flags talk to your neighbors share seeds teach love and interdependence. 10. Nuremberg we almost don't have time for yet. I feel like we need still to dig our trenches and plan our offense. The banking must be solved now. The alternative health care now. Then when our people won't be starved as the next step in the plan then. Then NUREMBERG WON'T BE ENOUGH

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Thank you for all you do, always appreciate the time and exhaustive efforts you and others put forth to keep us informed!! Sharing and reading and sharing some more, thank you Karen!!

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Thank you Candace for your kind words.

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Thanks.. looking up interviews now.

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Who is the king of the USA? We are! We are the rulers of our own nation. Yet, we are the laziest, stupidest, most apathetic rulers in history! We hire proxy rulers who steal our property, indoctrinate our kids, tell US what to do....and we take it. We deserve crooked politicians.

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Amen to that!!!

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Who Nellie, I definitely do not have a closed mind. My comment was specifically for FTX and money washing to the democratic party via Ukraine. No more no less. The only info about this as far as I can see if from a Twitter post. Perhaps you need to read the Book the four agreements. Never make assumption. We are on the same side.

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All of this is based on a Twitter tweet. Real evidence is needed. It may be true but prove it. Hysteria won't make it right.

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What do you mean ALL OF THIS is based on a Twitter tweet?? You obviously need to do some research on this topic instead of casually disregarding it. Kanye West is not the only celebrity that has come out over the years to tell of the abuse and control used to keep entertainers in line. Perhaps start with the 45 steps to turn a country communist. Then read Cathy OBrien’s Trance-Formation of America. Entertainers who are on top are there because they are owned. When they step out of line they are destroyed or found dead from a convenient overdose. No hysteria. If you won’t even believe what comes out of people’s own mouths then nothing I can say will change your closed off mind.

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