Can anyone then explain what purpose is provided by “voting” since these groups are basically in the same “ League”?

It seems like it’s a giant NFL, with “ opposing teams” but the Super Bowl “goal = $$$

Gosh, it IS the NFL!! 😳

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Well it our responsibility to vote and make good, vetted, informed decisions about who we vote for. Will they steal our vote.....quite possibly they will but I REFUSE to allow them to discourage me to the point that I give up my right and responsibility to vote. If we get an R majority it is OUR JOB to watch them likes hawks and be prepared to make them do what we elected them to do. We cannot just vote then go sit in front of the TV watching football.

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Fantastic compilation thanks!

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I thank you for being on the team.

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Thanks for clarification…

So frustrating. I really appreciate you taking the time. I knew it sounded child-like when sent, however after a point of information-loading…. 😐 thanks you for due diligence and outreach.

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Not child-like at all. My message was as much for you as it was for many others too. I am just as frustrated but I refuse to allow anyone to take away my God given freedoms and rights and have no bones about calling my elected and demanding they take appropriate action. We will see what happens today and if it goes as it should I will be dedicating my time to getting HR7806 and HR8748 passed so we end the UN and defund the WEF.

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