Emailed Steve - COV is one of many important initiatives being pushed. Thank you for all you do Karen!

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You are most welcome and thank you for helping.

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Great compilation Karen, as always.

However - we need to addrress this bit:

" If you want truly educated children today the only real choice is home school"


I wish people would stop using this misnomer to describe Home Education.

Schooling cannot be done at home, schooling is not education.

So why do people persist in calling Home Education 'home schooling'? It is wrong in every aspect.

We have to describe it properly. It is HOME EDUCATION.

Words matter.

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Words matter but most people understand what HOME SCHOOL is about. It is how it has been promoted for years and let’s not get muddled down in such things and miss the bigger points made. The point I clearly made is our children are not being EDUCATED in the public school system and the only place for a real EDUCATION today is at home. The point we should be concentrating on is that the choice being offered today (charters, vouchers etc) are no real choice. It is choice of location not choice in what our children are learning or worse not learning. Charters ARE privately owned public schools and must adhere to state and federal regulations. Vouchers are the funding scheme to suck private schools into the system. When a private school takes public money there will always be strings attached........perhaps not right away but eventually that is what happens. I know private schools here in my state that have refused to take students with vouchers for that very reason. There is only one real choice and that is keep your kids at home. I ran a home school mentor program in TN and we held classes on how any parent that wants to home school can. I had current home school parents mentor those wanting to pull their kids and the program to teach all parents how to home school (even single parents/working parents). These types of efforts in other states could prove very beneficial. So many parents want to home school but are afraid or do not understand the options that make it possible for just about all parents. We will never get 100% to pull out but if we could get 25-30% of students out of the system there just might be hope for humanity. THANKS for taking the time to send you comment.

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Yeah. I guess this is where the problem is really. As a 100% full time home educating single parent I am with you on spreading the info and trying to support and give confidence to those who are thinking about this profound way to teach the most valuable and precious people in our lives - our children.

You say most people understand what HOME SCHOOL is about. Sure. People know 'home schooling' as they know 'vaccines', and whenever words are used inappropriately the true meanings can be misinterpreted and misused. We know the Covid-19 injectables are not 'vaccines' though they are labelled and understood by most people as such, simply because that term has been coined and accepted. For me it is the same with the mislabelling of home education as 'home schooling'. Every time the term home schooling is used it auomatically and psychologically puts the receiver into the mode of thinking they have to emulate the school system for educating their children; that they have to devise a curriculum and set a timetable etc. That in itself is enough to close many minds before we have had a chance to reach them to show the limitless potential that Home Education brings. 'Home Education' as a descriptive opens a door into new territory without preconceptions, and puts the emphasis on Education, not schooling. Using the right terminology rather than cementing the wrong words in the psyche is a good place, for me, to start. Schooling is done in schools. My family has and always will be Home Educated.

Thanks for taking time to reply, keep on with the good fight.

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I just think we should concentrate on the contents of the article and not throw the baby out with the bath water.

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Also, on the constitutional convention issue- radio host, Rob Carson, broadcast the pro-article V salesman, Mark Mekler, without a voice for the truth on the episode. !!! Beware that there is movement in GA that has gotten a number of Republican state office candidates to sign a petition to hold a con-con in effort to create congressional term limits.

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Karen, thank you once again for your profoundly important daily work on behalf of us all. May God continue to bless you and may God continue to bless the USA.

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Gee, thanks Susan. God has blessed me many times. I appreciate your kind words very much.

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