my favorite writeup on the history of fluoridating water: https://origins.osu.edu/article/toxic-treatment-fluorides-transformation-industrial-waste-public-health-miracle

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SomeDude - that is an excellent article on the scam/con/boondoggle/hustle/flimflam of inducing a poison - fluorosilicic acid - into the water supply. This provides precedent to indicate that government -- in general -- is organized crime.

The latest/ongoing example of this is the rona psyop -- which was set up to enable the rape of humanity with the latest & greatest poison(s). The goal = depopulation, coupled with total control. All the hubub about masks/distancing/cases/etc is just schtick window dressing -- they are simply enablers, to make the con appear viable. Compliance with those idiotic machinations provide outward indications of consent - that the rona psyop is real. It's not. It's a psyop. That's psychological operation, to enable the jabs. Water fluoridation is about turning a profit from toxic waste, and creating sickness, and control. Fluoridation dumbs down those who ingest it -- very much an integral part of the overall ruling class plan of total control.

Look at the other articles/topics that Karen has shared on this Truth Bomb -- all are about government being organized crime, of the highest order. This is THE topic that we all discuss regularly - government being organized crime. Everything else pales in comparison.

Yet, there are those that keep looking for salvation from 'government'. That keep asking, and hoping, that 'government' will somehow become benevolent, if simply the correct person is inserted into 'the system'. Sorry to rain on that parade --- but that ain't never going to happen. NEVER. Because, it's not about the components of 'the system', it's about 'the system'.

So - how can 'the system' be brought down? Fair question. Simple. Say NO. Deny, do not comply. Do not participate. Starve 'the system' of it's lifeblood supply -- which is consent. Compliance. Participation. This is a numbers game --- so many more of 'us', than 'them'. 'They' can't force us all to do their bidding --- so they fool us. Their #1 coercion tool is deception, which are simply lies in action.

Look at all the ridiculous examples of humanity being played as fools --- fluoridation, wars, the rona psyop, the incredibly insulting 'sky is falling' con of AGW/CC - that's Anthropogenic Global Warming/Climate Change, currency/money, allopathic healthcare - using drugs, radiation, & surgery, any 'vaccine' - which operates on the premise that the Creator didn't Create good enough, drugging up kids to create 'acceptable' behavior - as evil as it gets, any and all revenue generation schemes -- citations/fees/licenses.......the list is long, isn't it?!!

We, here, are not the only ones shining the light on the cockroaches.

We are waking up one snowflake at a time

The avalanche is coming

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