Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023Liked by Karen Bracken

...good article Karen, thanks, by Paul Scates, and i hadn't heard of Rudi Dutschke, the article in the American Thinker is also bang on...here is a pdf of one of Schwab's books Covid-19:The Great Reset, i'm stunned by peoples nonchalance regarding this 'blueprint' ...actually the link doen't work...i've been experiencing difficulty with links i post to substack on occasion recently!...

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...i posted this comment elsewhere just now Karen!...gotta watch!...'... stunning new film that demands to be watched...its sickening to the stomach watchin...however it seems the truth!...its chillin and i mean it ain't 'chillin'...God bless the good folk concerned...🙏➕🙏... https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/saturday-night-film-the-fall-of-minneapolis?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=257742&post_id=139375499&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1uo2p8&utm_medium=email ... and the film in the article... https://www.thefallofminneapolis.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email ...'

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LOL I had just pulled up her Substack from my inbox and saw the link for the video but too late to watch tonight. Will watch tomorrow for sure

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...ha!ha!...and its 04:05 here!!...D Chauvin stabbed 22 times since, once for each year of 22.5 years service?!...take care Karen!...its really sad!...

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Lots of good things happening in some parts of Tenessee, state bank possible soon. Hope they can keep Chatanooga from this nasty, would focus on the smart grid.

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They say our state Constitution forbids a state bank....I say they are interpretting that passage incorrectly but of course who am I, right? So no state bank unless they are willing to amend our state Constitution but we can establish a precious metals depository and there is legislation to do that as well as making gold/silver legal tender. I attended an event where Sen. Niceley and Rep. Hulsey spoke and Sen. Niceley talked about TN creating their own currency. A state bank would surely allow that but as of now that is off the drawing board. I believe Texas is also looking at creating its own currency.

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“SMART stands for “Surveillance…Monitoring…Analysis…Reporting…Technology.” I finally know exactly what the term SMART means. Big Brother is watching/managing me. Of course it is for the greater good and I should be thankful for their diligent care. No thanks!

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Well until WE THE PEOPLE stand up in HUGE numbers and REFUSE TO COMPLY we will live as slaves and relegate our future generations to slavery. I do not say this lightly. It is the obvious truth. People right in my own state are willingly allowing their community government to install license plate readers and streetlight cameras. All for their safety which is big fat lie. These cameras are collecting data on every citizen to calculate their carbon footprint. No crime has been solved that can be directly attributed to these cameras. But people are so willing to give up freedom for a tiny bit of safety but as Benjamin Franklin said......we will end up with neither.

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I live in a rural area where the PUD put in smart meters to “save money” as rates continue to climb. It is a huge scam where they remove dams and coal fired plants, put in whale and bird killing windmills and install solar panels where it rains with little sun nine months of the year. All of this to gain control over my use of power.

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Yep. Even as they insist these meters cannot shut off your washer, dryer, heat, air conditioning at will which is yet another lie the complacent Americans did nothing to stop. There were groups of folks fighting these meters but not enough and they could not get enough people off their couch to help them.

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The wildfires in CA that were supposed to be caused by PGE lines has also been a leverage point in this madness as the PUD says they will turn off the power if the weather gets dry and hot to prevent fires. So stupid because most people have wells that are run by electricity, so you can’t protect your home if a fire comes near. I have taken to heavily watering my landscaping in summer so as to avoid plants becoming fire tender. This means more use of electricity and water!

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They want your homes to burn down. They want you off the rural land. They want EVERYONE crammed into the cities so they can monitor and control you. It is hard to do that when people are spread out all over the place. Same goes for gas powered cars. There is no war against fossil fuels. The war is against mobility.

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Thanks Nancy. Even though I do not live in Chattanooga I am doing a lot of work to help what is taking place in Chattanooga. Spying on people using the lie of fighting crime, 15 Minute City and making Chattanooga into a park. Do the people of Chattanooga really want this? No, they used the Delphi technique and believe me the plan was approved before the first meeting or vote taken.

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Well it is now up to the people to stand up and fight back and going to meetings and begging them to do the right thing is not the answer at this point. Stopping a plan before it is voted on and passed was the time. Trying to get it out after it has been voted on is much more difficult. I think the people of Chattanooga should think about recalling Mayor Kelly. Lots of work but it sends a clear message. If the people of your city do not get behind that then they obviously do want to live as slaves.

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