It makes me angry 😡 that Citigroup is offering to pay for women’s expenses to obtain abortions in other states. Are they profiting off of the #abortionbabybodyparts?! #projectveritas exposed planned parenthood selling whole intact aborted baby heads, beating hearts, etc. In 1988-89, my stepmom was boycotting tuna bc of dolphins 🐬 getting caught in the nets. There wasn’t #outrage on social media or online petitions. She simply stopped eating tuna for a couple of years. I asked her how can so few of people make a difference in the tuna industry forcing them to make new nets? She replied, “it will make a difference in time.” Well, she was right! They created nets which dolphins 🐬 could escape, and she started eating tuna 🍣 again. People have power to enact change. #boycottcitigroup

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Just another reason to stop using credit cards and bank with a credit union. We are funding our own demise by supporting these businesses. They are satisfying the woke requirements of ESG. We ALL need to start using cash whenever possible, stop supporting the very people that are out to destroy us, stop using FB, Twitter and You Tube. Stop watching TV news including FOX (And Tucker Carlson), Newsmax. OANN, Americas Voice and Lindell TV are all much better alternatives. Brannon Howse on Frankspeech is awesome and you won't get any sugar coated lies about what is taking place. It will take giving up some conveniences but I would rather do that than lose my freedom (what little we have left). CASH everyday not just Friday. Get out of the banks and into a credit union. STARVE THE BEAST.

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Not sure what you mean. Are you saying I am sick sick sick or the condition of our world is sick sick sick? Thanks

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re the article The FDA, CDC, Pfizer Narrative Has Collapsed by John Anthony from the Sustainable Freedom Lab, I would add that it is indeed the people who have actually collapsed, primarily, and the narrative plods on but has been to date a successful cover for extreme evil of which profit is only the obvious evidence.

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Good point. Thanks. I agree most of our issues are because of the sheeple but the brainwashing, indoctrination and loss of critical thinking and common sense has been a plan put to work many decades ago by an evil system that knew several things had to happen before their agenda could move forward. 1. the destruction of the family 2. the deliberate dumbing down of America. Glad to see you obviously were not one of the casualties in this plan.

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Me too!!!

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