You couldn’t pay me to eat lab grown meat at this early point of it’s development. However (and I’m gonna briefly step into woo world for a second), I will welcome it if and after a couple decades of legit safety studies prove it’s healthy and safe. For 3 reasons. One, to get us off the demonic abuse and slaughter of other creatures. Two, the amount of water and land ruined for livestock production is insane. And, three, we will need food sources for interstellar travel and it will be awfully hard to take a herd of cattle on the spaceship. Our highly advanced, space traveling ancestors obviously had achieved some sort of synthetic food production and I suspect we’ll eventually get there, too, if the WEFers don’t kill us all first (thanks to Clif High for the borrowed terminology).

You’ll have to excuse me Karen. I was reading this 👇🏼when your email came through. Lol


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They are NOT doing this for the good of animals or us. 1. Depopulation, which is documented, 90% if the population must be eliminated 2. The documented agenda is to also seal off 75+% of all land and end private property. They need to get rid of the animals, which by the way, are creatures created by God to feed the hungry. Nothing they do has anything to do for the betterment of animals or people. Do you think ending species forever is a good thing? So where is the leftist agenda to save the extinction of species. Kind of flies in the face of what they say now doesn't?

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You’re reading way too much into my comments. The people developing this are psychopathic bastards for sure and their motivations are evil. I am a meat eater but animals ARE treated inhumanely and ARE raised in ways that are destroying our environment. I only purchase organic, pastured meat. I would also be very careful saying animals are only here to feed us. They are conscious beings.

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Karen, fyi, the "too little too late" link takes me to the chicken article.

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Dang. Sorry about that I will repost tomorrow.

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