I really wish that all of the things you post I could access without having to subscribe or being blocked by a paywall. Really frustrating.

The Epoch Times articles almost always are not accessible.

Thank you thought for all of your diligent work. I greatly appreciate the info you bring. I look at this every day.

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I am so sorry. I do subscribe to Epoch news so I was not aware that you and others could not see the articles. The sad part is they do post more of the truth about what is taking place than any other news outlet. If there is ever anything from Epoch that you really want to read let me know and I will copy and paste and send to you. Again, I am so sorry......I know how frustrating that is.

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Thank you. The one today sure looked interesting.

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Dawn....I saved the article as a PDF. Let me know if you were able to read the article. If so I will save all Epoch Articles and post as PDFs so those that do not subscribe can read the article. THANKS. Send me an email and I will send the article. Again, if this works I will post as pdfs in the future. karen.bracken@reagan.com

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