This whole thing of Smart ePants makes me want to puke. The very thought of having wearable devices in my pantties is degrading. I will think twice before I shop for any new clothes! I hate to say it! When a country that does not repent of their sins, apathetic and a do nothing, Kevin McCarthy, Uniparty DemoPublican led Congress about this weaponization by these Despot, this is what happens.

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You are so correct. The book of Judges should be read by every American.

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'...well the cia has always nourished the suggestion that they are 'undercover'...this is taking their remit to an extreme, their bare-assed cheek...er! i mean ours don't i?...i welcome their overt admission that they indulge covert operations...btw fk 'nose' i rarely change my underwear!...now i'm 'aware' that my efforts are 'outdated'...meaning if these become the only type available i ain't ever changin 'em...and i'll add a few personal biologically based accessories among others of an insistently odorous 'tendency' to further engage their malodorous curiosity...' ...de fk i will!...

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Looks like the Orwellian fasco-Marxists are adding a new twist to calling someone SmartyPants; or in Greta's case, ThunderPants

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