Excellent and heartbreaking point about the first child death exceeding the number of children killed by COVID 😢

One point of clarification. The underreporting study was conducted by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (https://digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf), which has no association with Harvard College. This distinction is important because the fact-chokers use this misattribution as a way to discredit “anti-vaxxers” (e.g., https://gnigh-66270.medium.com/vaers-underreporting-and-the-mysterious-1-5b4f9b109145). The report is still valid, but mistakenly attributing it Harvard College causes people to dismiss the information altogether.

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Yes I am aware it was Harvard Pilgrim and failed to add that as I usually do. I usually say Harvard Pilgrim. I did not say Harvard College though. It is also at time referred to as the Lazarus study too. Thanks for the correction.

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What did you think of the Projection Report itself????

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Terrifying and highly probable 😿

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Thank you for keeping we, the American patriots aware. God bless you.

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