Your substack page is the first page I open! Thank you for your work. I just read this from Clandestine's Newsletter on substack. If you have read this, the truth bomb here is not new to you. https://bioclandestine.substack.com/p/russian-mil-declares-ukraine-origin?utm_source=email

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Thanks Hillary. Sorry my Substack was late today. For some reason my scheduled delivery did not kick off. I follow Clandestine as well. I have posted so much info about the corruption of Ukraine and the fact that the US has been involved in the crime in Ukraine for decades. Biden, Clinton, Obama and others have benefitted greatly from the corruption in Ukraine. Most of the money we have given during this fake war has never been spent on arms for the soldiers. Soldiers have no weapons, clothing or proper food. That money is being laundered just like all the money the US has ever sent to Ukraine. The Ukraines have so much dirt on American “leaders” holds them in a political hostage situation that we the tax payer funds. Our biggest enemy is not Russia or China it is our own government.

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It is so true, Karen! The sad, sad, and very strange thing is that even if people know this, they hang on to their groomed-to-consent-identity, blindly hoping that will get them through. Meanwhile as they ignore the real truth, the fear and emotion mounts. Being trapped, afraid and not being able to walk out of the prison, it is obviously clear why our government has been able to hide their true intent for so long.

Here is a wonderful interview with Matthias Desmet and Chris Martenson. I have watched quite a few interviews with Matthias. I feel this one is the best because he shares some extraordinary insight about the problem with humanity and also some uplifting information about the future picture.


Blessings to You, and your readers

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Me too. I am currently watching this very interview. LOL. I am half way through it. I have been trying to finish it for days. Just so much going on.

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I am very aware of this and have shared PROOF that the virus does not exist on several occasions. I have also communicated with Christine Massey for a long time.

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deletedAug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022
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I am good friends with Dr. Poornima Wagh who isolated/purified/performed causation in her lab using a grant from NIH. She found NO SARS COV2. When she reported it to the CDC (Robert Redfield) he told her he didn’t care what she found she will say she found the virus or they would shut down her lab. She refused. The FBI raided her lab, came to her home and shut down the lab. I have shared her interview on my Substack several times. She just put out a 2-part interview on Masks and PCR. Part 1 will be in my substack tomorrow and Part 2 on Wednesday. She has also analyzed the vials of “vaccine” and not just Pfizer and Moderna. Her findings are not what people are being told.

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deletedAug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022
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Hmmmm..... most interesting. Virology is fake science and any good virologist knows this.

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