The Enemy Within with John Guandolo was great until he goes on a little rant about a plane hitting the Pentagon on 9/11 and how you’re crazy if you disagree with that. He said he saw the fuselage in the building. That thin aluminum cone on the front of the aluminum shell of a plane that went through several feet of blast proof concrete, when a bird can crush it. 🙄 Not ONE shred of plane debris on the lawn up to and around the Pentagon (no wings, engines, etc). He loses all credibility right there, as does anyone who still parrots the RIDICULOUS LIE that jihadis did 9/11 and not our own satanic government. I don’t get it Karen. He seems so informed but then is protecting the 9/11 false flag, which immediately followed an electronically stolen presidential election. Round and round we go…..

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Well that part disturbed me as well but I decided not to throw the baby out with the bath water. Perhaps he truly believes that 9/11 was not an inside job or he is trying to protect the mental harm knowing the truth would do to so many people or maybe he is just plain up front lying. But given he has already exposed so much to cause mental harm to people who resist seeing how corrupt our government truly has become why would he hold back about 9/11? Not sure but personally I do not believe what he had to say on that issue. Anyone with half a brain or a smidgen of common sense knows what we were told took place is a flat out lie.

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I agree Matt. They knew and I remember Condoleeza Rice saying something about planes hitting some buildings. Then you had the radical jhadist JOHN BRENNAN as Ambassador letting the criminals come into the US. After that WE BECAME TERRORISTS under the Patriot Act.

There are many scenarios including the Israel connection. Remember Israel needs our money but it has bombed our ship! Never got an apology for the USS LIBERTY from Israel. It's a screwed up world!

I do believe it was an inside job, too many insiders stayed home that day.

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For those that may not know......sweet Condolezza Rice is not only CFR she is also a member of the Trilateral Commission.

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Was gripped by John G until he went south on 9/11. There is little to NO doubt it was an inside job - disappointing but he must have is reasons...

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I totally agree but I didn't want to throw the baby out with the bath water. I knew I would get comments but I still think his info was needed. 9/11 WAS an inside job and no matter what he says, for whatever reason, is pure bunk.

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Wow, a lot in these links to think about.

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Oct 2, 2022·edited Oct 2, 2022Author

I wish I didn't have to think about this stuff but sadly it is the world we find ourselves in. I hope, one day if enough people stand up and tell the globalists and our government to stick it, I can share info about dogs, gardening, travel and families.

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There's 3c days of food supply in a city. Will they get electric transport trucks. The bluster is ridiculous. Thank you for the stack its alarming to see the depth of trolling kids are exposed to.

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