Thank you for all of the links!

I remember Dr Charles Hoffe too! And I seem to remember also that his office building burned down, with all of his notes, etc. I seem to remember there were small towns in Canada that had terrible fires that were blamed on climate change. I wonder if they were direct energy weapons targeting doctors or others that weren’t complying!?

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I will never willingly allow another injection of a vaccine. I am not so sure about the Novocain and other anesthetics used for surgery either. All the needles make me suspicious anymore, but I am not ready for another kidney stone event without Vicodin! Or root canal. Whaddayugonnadoo?

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I hear ya but do some research on root canals..........

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I used the root canal as an easy example. Last November I was told I needed a $1500 root canal and an additional $2500 in fixing cavities between the teeth. I opted out because dentistry is smelling like a bunch of bulls$?@t anymore.

They take xrays and point out the fuzzy barely perceptible “dark areas” and declare that it is some kind of mouth-rot needing thousands of dollars of their services to make their payment on the new Maserati.

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Gotcha. I rank Dentists in the same group as used car salesmen

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Unfair to used car salesman

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Thinking that Oz meme would make a great tshirt….

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I agree.

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