The Foundations of the American Republic/Missing Ukraine money found in Idaho/G. Edward Griffin/Ed Dowd/Sasha Latypova
Wednesday June 26, 2024 Truth Bomb
The Foundations of the American Republic - This presentation is 5 hours long but worth every minute. If you refuse to take the time to watch then you will remain a sheeple led by lies and deceit. People need to understand the created DOES NOT rule over the creator. The final arbiter of the Constitution are the states and the people of the states NOT the federal government and that includes the Supreme Court. The federal government is NOT going to fix the problem. Trump is NOT going to fix the problem because he violates the Constitution just as much as every other Republican and Democrat. I do not believe he does so on purpose but like many Americans he truly has no true understanding of the original intent of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence or the Bill of Rights. The fix comes from the states and the people of the states. That is why I created my organization TN Citizens for State Sovereignty. We will hopefully invoke the rightful remedy here in TN starting in 2025. Take one hour a day and LISTEN to this presentation. I also recommend taking notes. SHARE SHARE SHARE this will everyone you know. After this presentation was over a recent college graduate that was in the audience told Jeff she was so angry that she never learned anything about the Constitution in school or college and she felt it was done on purpose so she and other Americans would not know who truly had the authority in this country and or understand our rights. 5 hrs. VIDEO
Found missing Ukraine War funding in Idaho…a couple of days ago I shared an article about the government of Idaho shutting off water to the farmers. Well here is possibly the real reason they are shutting off the water. 2 min. VIDEO
The Dirty Secret Behind Agenda 21 with G. Edward Griffin - 2 min. ARTICLE/VIDEO
Scientists Raise Alarm over Surging Neurological Deaths Among Young People - the research was done by the company owned by Ed Dowd - ARTICLE
Breaking news: AG of Kansas suing Pfizer! Justice almost here... It's Sasha Latypova - don’t be naive people and get sucked in by the dog and pony show(s) - Did Kobach or Paxton lie or were they given bad information in order to keep people’s eye off the real issue? ARTICLE
I am so sick of the way they go after Karen Kingston. Are they jealous or something because she is being glorified for telling us from day one Pfizer can be sued? It’s happening now isn’t it…and now they got to talk shit about her😳. I won’t mention any names because people seem to glorify these two when in actuality they could also be working for Pfizer like they claim Karen is working for the government. It can work both ways. Okay…let’s just say they could be right…well duh…Pfizer is being sued now aren’t they! At least she is doing something…SHE TOLD US FROM DAY ONE THEY CAN BE SUED AND NOW THEY ARE BEING SUED and she never talks shit about them. One just takes orders from the other because that person is an introvert!
At least Karen’s heart is in the right place and she’s a Christian! I wish these substackers would just mind their own business.
The states are threatening farmers in Oklahoma as well. Look into that.