I am so sick of the way they go after Karen Kingston. Are they jealous or something because she is being glorified for telling us from day one Pfizer can be sued? It’s happening now isn’t it…and now they got to talk shit about her😳. I won’t mention any names because people seem to glorify these two when in actuality they could also be working for Pfizer like they claim Karen is working for the government. It can work both ways. Okay…let’s just say they could be right…well duh…Pfizer is being sued now aren’t they! At least she is doing something…SHE TOLD US FROM DAY ONE THEY CAN BE SUED AND NOW THEY ARE BEING SUED and she never talks shit about them. One just takes orders from the other because that person is an introvert!
At least Karen’s heart is in the right place and she’s a Christian! I wish these substackers would just mind their own business.
Being sued is not the same as sued. Filing a lawsuit does not mean they will win the lawsuit. Our government has put in many laws and road blocks to insure these demons cannot be sued. Let's all see what prevails from these lawsuits before we pick sides as to who was right or wrong. I greatly admire all 3 of these women.
And I totally agree with you 100 percent. I’ve been in the legal field all my life.
Let’s be clear, that’s not what I am saying. I don’t see what is so wrong with both sides but that doesn’t mean one side gets to discredit the other side just because they disagree.
If we are acting like big girls here, why don’t they come to a Jesus moment and preset their case with their receipts and see how that goes in front of an audience. I get so damn fed up with this competition BS. We don’t need that. They could have something like a town hall meeting and present their facts and let the people decide. But let’s stop this constant bashing. I happen to like what both say because both have the receipts.
I know Jeff will have the receipts. But I cannot speak for Mr. Pulliam. If you can manage to watch his presentation you will see how he supplies the proof and also applies common sense which is a skill most people lack today. Also, the agenda is that each panelist has 15 minutes in the begining, 5 questions to follow and each gets 10 minutes at the end to close.
Happily repeating myself, You are a National Treasure Karen! Don't know I would ever have seen the background on the Idaho water deal absent you. ... I expect a lot of intrusions from the real world before any meaningful litigation against pharma/Govt can happen, just as war writ large my well intrude before the deflection to "Summer Study" from responsible legislative action can occur. If the SHTF first, I'll be among those wondering if TN nullifying some Fed overreach could have made a difference. I think it will prove impossible to keep all the balls in the air much longer. I hear the "If it can't continue, It Won't", clock ticking loudly.
I am so sick of the way they go after Karen Kingston. Are they jealous or something because she is being glorified for telling us from day one Pfizer can be sued? It’s happening now isn’t it…and now they got to talk shit about her😳. I won’t mention any names because people seem to glorify these two when in actuality they could also be working for Pfizer like they claim Karen is working for the government. It can work both ways. Okay…let’s just say they could be right…well duh…Pfizer is being sued now aren’t they! At least she is doing something…SHE TOLD US FROM DAY ONE THEY CAN BE SUED AND NOW THEY ARE BEING SUED and she never talks shit about them. One just takes orders from the other because that person is an introvert!
At least Karen’s heart is in the right place and she’s a Christian! I wish these substackers would just mind their own business.
Being sued is not the same as sued. Filing a lawsuit does not mean they will win the lawsuit. Our government has put in many laws and road blocks to insure these demons cannot be sued. Let's all see what prevails from these lawsuits before we pick sides as to who was right or wrong. I greatly admire all 3 of these women.
And I totally agree with you 100 percent. I’ve been in the legal field all my life.
Let’s be clear, that’s not what I am saying. I don’t see what is so wrong with both sides but that doesn’t mean one side gets to discredit the other side just because they disagree.
If we are acting like big girls here, why don’t they come to a Jesus moment and preset their case with their receipts and see how that goes in front of an audience. I get so damn fed up with this competition BS. We don’t need that. They could have something like a town hall meeting and present their facts and let the people decide. But let’s stop this constant bashing. I happen to like what both say because both have the receipts.
I know Jeff will have the receipts. But I cannot speak for Mr. Pulliam. If you can manage to watch his presentation you will see how he supplies the proof and also applies common sense which is a skill most people lack today. Also, the agenda is that each panelist has 15 minutes in the begining, 5 questions to follow and each gets 10 minutes at the end to close.
The states are threatening farmers in Oklahoma as well. Look into that.
Of all things... the final Solution... an artificial Lab grown AI Brain Hive Mind.
The picture above is more accurate than you think.
❤️ ❤️ 10th Ammendment ❤️ ❤️
Happily repeating myself, You are a National Treasure Karen! Don't know I would ever have seen the background on the Idaho water deal absent you. ... I expect a lot of intrusions from the real world before any meaningful litigation against pharma/Govt can happen, just as war writ large my well intrude before the deflection to "Summer Study" from responsible legislative action can occur. If the SHTF first, I'll be among those wondering if TN nullifying some Fed overreach could have made a difference. I think it will prove impossible to keep all the balls in the air much longer. I hear the "If it can't continue, It Won't", clock ticking loudly.
Thanks more.
Well, it ain't over til the fat lady sings. I will just keep plugging away until I hear her singing the song at the end of the game.
You are the most staunch advocate of reasoned persistence I have ever met. I will keep trying to follow your lead.
... great find Karen, next level sinister this cobalt mine business in Idaho!... have u seen these?... https://www.activistpost.com/2024/06/extreme-global-hunger-the-un-warns-that-some-of-the-poorest-areas-of-the-world-have-zero-harvests-left.html... and this bizarre goin on in New York etc... https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/empire-state-building-top-dragon-why-vhagar-thrones/5514557/ ...