Personally, I know where things are going. Destruction is the globalists plan right now and they are succeeding with the help of many. Some are paid off, some are in on the whole game plan. This is not what decent people want around the world. However it is what the globalists/Satanists/God haters/elite want; they want the UN Agenda 2030, new world order.

The Georgia Guide Stones and billionaire comments say they want no more than 300 Million alive on earth, people not to own anything, control everything and demand everyone to obey them.

The truth bomb briefings are important but I personally want more truth bomb news about Bible prophecy fulfillment, what the globalist are achieving toward their goal's and things leading to the return of Christ/Rapture/Tribulation and the end of all of this.

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Joshua....if there is anything you would like me to share I would be happy to share. I personally believe the end will come from the work of God's people on earth. God controls the outcome but it is our job to preserve what God has placed in our care. But if you have something good you would like me to share let me know. I am sure many of our members would appreciate it.

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I have some things written up to give hope to others. The first you may not completely agree with by the sound of it. It details, in scripture, how The Church will be Raptured before the seals are broken in Revelation. It may help people's Bible study even if they do not agree with it. It may change some belief in what is coming too.

The second explains some things about the how and why we must accept God's pardon to be saved from Judgement. What God did to legally save us. I don't know if this fits in with your truth bomb or not. However, with Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday coming up, you might use something like that.

Other than this, I'll be on the lookout for news articles if you would like them.

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