Appreciate all the work you are doing, passing out info. Still on Facebook but I have specific reasons for that I can't discuss. I see other countries are now seeing red and I am sure there will be even more rejection of this BS. I think we should divest our resources in the WHO, NATO to a large extent as well as the UN. We need to end the Patriot Act and FEMA. Both have turned into anti-American and subversive spy agencies. Throw the FBI and CIA in that same basket.

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Thanks Ed. You have always been a true patriot warrior. I just sent out an URGENT CALL to action. I pray you are right and enough countries will refuse to comply. BUT the US is behind it and these delegates usually just go along to get along. I have been told these amendments have only been circulated in English and many of these countries do not speak english. And have also been told they usually just go along. I am sure there will be some countries that push back but I also know there were over 40 nations supporting the US submission of these amendments.

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Thank you Karen!

In 10 days the ihs regulations will be passed at the WHO convention in Geneva. It's a complete coup on our democracy. I think we need to focus. Any minute now the queen will die and that will be the next world distraction until may 22 when Biden passes his amendments. Here's my red pill video that takes it from internet control to WHO control of your life. Stand!


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Lisa....I just sent out an Substack URGENT CALL TO ACTION. If you would share it among your network it would be greatly appreciated.

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Of course Karen. Sisters in the fight we are.

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