once they announce the self-spreading "vaccines," aka bioweapon plague, having and wearing a /real/ biohazard mask would be worthwhile. you'll be able to tell those who actually understand what it takes to block viruses vs everyone else by how good their equipment is.

unfortunately even my p100 is insufficient, as anyone who's done any actual research knows it doesn't even get close to virus particle micron sizes and it's still better than a standard n95... I may start looking for a military surplus one with air supply ports and biological agent filter canisters.

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They will end up putting these vaccines in our food. There will be no getting away from them. They are bound and determined to kill people and control the population. I am afraid that a mask will do nothing to prevent what they have planned for us. We all need to start learning how to grow our own food too.

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

unfortunately I can't afford to have a well drilled (and it needs to be way too deep here for a DIY option due to the old coal mining contamination of the upper aquifer here in central MO.)

even though I can produce a decent bit of my own food and have already started that, the water supply here already wants distillation due to poor "treatment" upstream. I do need to obtain a still once I have adequate spare resources.

since they'll surely be using the self spreading virals at some point, no matter how they initially disseminate them, going to stores will pretty much require a good quality mask to avoid the aerosols. open your shipped packages on the porch instead of inside, etc.

it's a mess for sure.

it's not hopeless, just difficult.

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I tried to get a well and find that where I live we cannot drill for a well on residential property. Nice huh?? I moved from a rural home to a suburb and looking at things today that was the worst move I made but we are trying to make the best of where we are right now. I have the money but don't know if I have the time to buy a piece of rural land and build a totally off gird home but I am looking into it.

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

I wish you the best of luck. I do feel that semi-rural Missouri (where I live) has fair odds of secession or revolt if the feds get too pushy about citizen food production and such things, due to strong redneck pushback. on the flip side, I live smack in the middle of one of the few counties to run Blue Hat in the "elections," so there could be some tussle needed to honor state law above county declarations if(when) the feds go all apocalyptic martial law again.

bear in mind that unless they've rescinded it, Montana almost immediately after the executive-order "mandates" passed a law denying "vaccine" based discrimination.

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