Karen, I have come to depend on your daily posts. I know you really work very hard to sort thru and provide us with the best and most important information. I’ll continue to share them with lots who won’t take the time to subscribe on their on! THANK YOU! And I.too, will forward outstanding info to you as well for consideration for sharing with others.

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Thank you very much.

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Dear Karen, Thank you so much for faithfully sending your daily links!

Here is one for you: Dr. Rina Laibow, who is a psychiatrist, psychosomatic medicine specialist, former leader of the Alexandria Institute for Integrative Medicine, and medical director of the Natural Solutions Foundation. In this video she is being interviewed by Maria of Zeee Media from Australia. I highly recommend you watch this video and share it with your subscribers Sending Love Your Way


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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022Author

Thank you. I am friends with Rima. I did post this interview on my substack on June 26. It was an excellent interview. I am also a big fan of Maria Zee.

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Amazing that this unprecedented, crises has brought so many awesome souls together! The common focus to engage with the truth, share the momentum of freedom, and real health sparks the light of justice we all hope and pray for. . . Thank you for being one of the facilitators during this epoch journey.

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