Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

Yay, the world figured out that Malone is controlled opp...my gut told me that 2 years ago. This is still up, you can see him smooth talking kids out both sides of his mouth. Creepy, they call him Uncle out of respect. https://budbromley.blog/2022/02/17/dr-robert-malone-in-hawaii-in-talk-story-with-children/

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I have been saying it for a very long time and was viciously attacked but I never changed my opinion. I feel even stronger about it now more than ever.

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“The fact is that disinformation that creates a threat to the security of the homeland is our responsibility to address.” Mayorkas will make sure the Rinos who supported him don’t create a threat to security like DJT.

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Mayorkis is leftist scum bag and has put our country in grave danger along with his scum bag buddy Joe Biden. Both should be arrested and charged with treason.

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You got that right Karen! His quote on disinformation is a threat to all conservatives. The 8 who backed him hoping to be re-elected are just as vulnerable as Trump when it comes to organizing even a campaign rally if you take him seriously.

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Thank you Karen.

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I have been telling EVERYONE about this documentary. It puts so many of the puzzle pieces together especially with the turbo cancers we are seeing. I have a friend that after 2 COVID shots he came down with.......Pancreatic cancer. I had read Dr. Mary's Monkey and about Lee Harvard Oswald's lover but putting it all together just made so much make sense. I thank YOU for all you do.

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