PAXTON: We have a ONE PARTY political system. The Dems and Republicans play by the same rules and agree to exchange power now and again to keep stupefied voters in the game. Dems have demonstrated that it's advantageous to elect an 'empty suit' and have unelected socialists pulling the strings. Dems are happy to take the criticism for all their anti-American acts, while republicans make themselves look good complaining about them! Any nation that cannot prosecute a Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton, Obama or Biden has absolutely ZERO hope of enduring as a free society.

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DC is the huge Kabuki theater stage where all are assigned roles to play but at the end of the day they all sleep in the same bed.

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YES! And, yet, we pay them to perform!

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If Americans only had a spine we would have stopped paying taxes a long time ago. WE THE PEOPLE could have stopped so much but we are now a nation of spoiled rotten cowards.

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My God, insanity just runs deeper and deeper into Bill Gates cells with each new money making scheme. Cutting down 70 million trees? Just a few years ago people were exonerated for planting trees to save the planet and bring more oxygen into the atmosphere. . . How easy it is to hypnotize people hungry for crazy businesses--shipping off tree parts, to prevent the carbon from ruining the planet. . . . Are there other adjectives other than hilarious, outrageous, or catastrophic for this new project?

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I know. The insane are running the asylum. Believe me I can think of some words to describe this but not words a lady would say. 😂

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STUDENTS WALK OUT: As a high school student in the 1970s, in rural Texas, boys routinely carried large pocket knives to school, many drove to school in farm/ranch trucks with rifles and shotguns inside. It was common for teachers and administrators to "skeet shoot" at the back of the school property with students. P.E. class included modules on archery and rifle/shotgun skills. In shop class, students often made creative weapons, like nun-chucks and throwing knives. There were rarely any fights, we did not let skin color define a person, and we said "Sir" and "Ma'am" to adults. That's how we were raised. I applaud the students' walkout of the school wanting trans mania policies. Maybe the kids are more mature than the woke, depraved, wastes of flesh that run the schools. ANOTHER case for keeping your kids out of public schools!!

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Actually, I probably need to hear that!

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YES!! The way to catch wild pigs is to feed them. Then, put one section of a trap near the food. Later, put up another section. They get used to the trap one part at a time, while enjoying the free food. Finally, put on the trap door. Once the pigs enter with no fear, the trap is sprung.

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