Thank you for all you do to share this information with us 💗🦝

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Thank you for taking the time to read the information and for you kind comment.

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During my undergrad degree in English education, they forced us to read Alinsky. The book finally disintegrated a few years ago due to age. They thought they were making little radicals. Sure did. Only not the kind they thought they were. I also recall while teaching at Univ. of Alberta in the mid 80s after I did my grad work that the NEA in the US had voted to support the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. WHY would they need to do that, I thought (back then, I was still naive).

The vile Alinsky, now probably in Hell, was a corrupt, vile, venal man who was involved with criminals as well. And yes, the book DOES have a dedication, or whatever other term you want to call it, in the very front. I have seen LYING "fact checkers" say it isn't there. But of course, you, gentle reader, can buy this book still and see for yourself. I think what they do is say "no, no dedication to Lucifer is there," when instead they just call it another name. Whatever you want to call it, in the VERY front pages it IS there. Disgusting. But hey, the left is Luciferian by all it does, so it makes sense.

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I was in a private zoom with someone in the freedom movement against the Green Boots who now recommends Rules for Radicals be utilized by us, since the power structure has corrupted. He says to read and adopt and have great examples.

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I lectured on this very same thing. How conservatives can use Rules for Radicals against the enemy. We would not resort to violence but, for example, when we had an issue with a company you do not march in front of the company you go to the owners/CEO/President's home and quietly march in the neighborhood because neighbors complaining to the target gets more action than marching in front of a business especially a large corporation. Going to the corporation is easily ignored but neighbors (especially in rich neighborhoods) will not ignored the peasant in their space.

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An example he gave was going in separate to trustee or council meetings and sitting in different areas and then supporting the speaker you know is going up. So it looks like broad support from all over the audience. Getting to the mike one right after the area from different audience spots. Practice your speech or question at home and out loud to insure it is in the 5 minute limit. Practice with someone who obfuscates and practice interrupting when the trustee doesn't answer the question. Keep going to the meetings separately even if a group. Don't sit together. Call the council members by their names.

Get each team member good at a specific topic and at each meeting that team member focuses on in that topic . For instance in the climate plan where are the 2000 windmills going in the city could be one person. Or how are Emergency vehicles getting through reduced traffic areas. Or who studied the long term health effects of universal wifi monitors. Or isn't cold more of a death threat with expensive energy then heat. Or who told businesses that they could only get clients from a15 minute radius. Or will you put a commitment not to tax or restrict trips from the 15 minute radius. Or where are the barriers planned and how are they monitored. Our isn't drug use from Mexico and China more of a health threat than insufficient trans surgeries on children.

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What you are describing is how to fight the Delphi technique and I trained people on how to ID when you are being Delphied and how to be ready to shut them down. We did this very successfully when fighting the 16 county/3 state regional plan.

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So know how to use it and how to shut it down

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Yes. People first need to understand the techniques they use to shut down real citizen engagement and when people see it happening they are taught how to shut it down. We go into meetings and spread out. We do not talk to each other. I would break people down into supporters and speakers. Speakers have scripted questions to ask. They pop up ask the question (supporters clap) and when the organizers try to shut down the questions the supporters say they want to hear what the speaker has to say and they want the question answered. That is just one example.

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...senate report 93549...is the United States still operating under this Karen?...listening to Debra Tav...here's a copy of G Edward Griffins book The Creature from Jekyll Island ...

https://archive.org/download/pdfy--Pori1NL6fKm2SnY/The%20Creature%20From%20Jekyll%20Island.pdf ...the good links u put up keep the fires of motivation burning...interesting what u and Lisa said...Oracle of Delphi like?!!...

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I own Mr. Griffins book. I have followed Deb Tavares for years, read her documents and have watched the videos. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Report_of_the_Special_Committee_on_the_Termination_of_the_National_Emergency

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..thanks Karen!..so after a cursory look here it looks like some of the emergency powers have been rescinded?...

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I agree.

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