Those OBs they are seeing death and destruction. My sister's close friend gave birth this weekend. Had clots after delivery didn't stop bleeding and died.

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Oh my Lisa. I am so sorry to hear this but it is happening every day and like all the other deaths from this injection they hide the truth just like the hide the truth about vaccines and their contribution to SIDS, autism, allergies, anxiety, IB and many more illness. They might stop things like measles and mumps but they cause more health issues than if the child never got any injections. Unvaccinate children a way much healthier than vaccinated children and THAT IS A FACT. I will pray for your sister's friend and her baby.

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I'm sure just 3 years ago my sentiments wouldn't be what they are now. And you are right. I and many many others are questing the entire program, not merely because of these injuries and deaths and tragedies but because of the crooks who are in charge.

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So sorry to hear that Lisa...my heart goes out to you.

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My condolences Lisa. I am so sorry to hear this

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Never used Twitter, no cellphone. 1 less person. It's stoopid and dangerous, folks can die the spinning dance of death if they want, but I don't wanna go that way.

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Border Patrol Agents Arrest Afghan on FBI’s Terror Watch List Who Crossed Border Illegally Near San Diego

Fox News: Border Patrol agents arrested an Afghan national on the FBI’s terror watchlist after he crossed into the U.S. illegally Wednesday in California. The Afghan national crossed the border with a group of migrants near Otay Mesa, California, the sources said. Border Patrol agents took the migrants to a processing station, where a fingerprint scan determined the Afghan was a match on the Terrorist Screening Database. The FBI was then notified, confirmed the results, and began an investigation (Fox News). Citizen Free Press: Afghan national arrested crossing East of San Diego is a match on the FBI’s terror watchlist (Twitter). https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1657845038335000577

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I posted interviews with Ann Vandersteel and another with Michael Yon. It was exposed that Irag men are going to Venezuela and Venezuela is issuing them Venezuelan citizenship papers and passports. Gee I wonder why???

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