You know - these feds out of dc dismiss the folks in Appalachia are making huge mistake - cause this is the sort of thing that gets folk's minds raises ire to the point where relations are broken permanently, and given all the damage that has occurred - well - don't mess with highlanders would be all I'd type in that regard - they are FIERCE.
Moreover, the folks of Appalachia - are most seriously stout in action.
Consider the Battle of Kings Mountain as well as Cowpens in that regard.
If not for them, we would still be under British authority, and without them, this country will not last much longer.
Exactly - so what is the point of participating if the gubment could give a shit bout you?
Speaks to the need of liberty that Jefferson spoke of....the tree of Liberty he talked about....why participate in a federal gubment that offers no service nor value locally?
Wouldn't it be better to have local arrangements that tend to the locals versus federal entanglements that just suck out tax dollar of fiat currency losing faith rapidly?
Disasters like Helene expose how corrupt and incompetent federal government is! The bigger federal government gets, the more corrupt and incompetent they become. Federal government is never held accountable. Just like the secret service agents not getting fired for nearly getting Trump murdered twice.
I agree - but the level of unaccountability has gone so over the postmodernist top, that not only are big changes on the way, but some folks are not going to be alive when the dust settles - lets hope those of us with a clear mind and a fair view and an understanding of the founding principles remain, and then we can create a potentially better place that fore-goes 20th century ideas proven wrong.
I'll tell you this though - just now I'm so angry I could eat a frog. I'd eat a dog in the wolfpack not keeping up...I'm really angry.
I'm so angry I could piss in the wind....I'm so angry I could cry about it all.
I'm so angry I'm sad about it all....I'm so angry bout how pathetic it all is - cause I'm so angry it ain't evident to all - big changes on the way and big storms as well - the storms are forming and they are angry.
I'm so angry - and that anger demands justice - if the jungle is where justice happens, then so be it - lets have a test of will I reckon - I'm so angry I'll prove you wrong - I'm so angry I'll die a man content knowing - I didn't give up - I took no jab - I didn't let them poke me - and now I demand justice and I'm so angry I will die to get it.
I think we all are angry, frustrated and a ton of other emotions. We all need to channel those emotions into the fighting spirit of our forefathers. Fear no man...Fear only the wrath of God if we do nothing. Like c Anderson said below you are not alone.
I think the time for secession is upon us. I could be wrong, but I feel directly the folks in Appalachia have been offended, so I believe when Calhoun spoke of the concept of "nullification" Jackson made a big mistake refuting that and Jackson also was a traitor to the Cherokee- and he was the founder of the democratic donkey ass party - and now tis time for hell to be paid for them and all their supporters - may they perish in eternity in memory of all the harm caused they are directly responsible for - as it is said in the bible:
Listened to that all - speaks to the lack of priority I reckon P - speaks to why the federal gubment deserves not a whit of respect - what good to they do - apparently none - so truly who needs a worthless federal entity stealing funds to pay for wars nobody wants while citizen's direct in need of aid get ignored?
The civil war was "not" won - rather it was a tool used by Lincoln to exert more federal authority - from the perspective of Jefferson and Madison I'd suggest the civil war was lost, and now here we are.
Time to make amends ain't it - time to secede I reckon.
Do or die time - the folks in Appalachia will choose whether they want any part of federal gubment gives no aid to folks local but sends funds to those overseas fighting wars created false - so seems an easy choice.
I vote for NOTA - and I advocate for nullification - and frankly given recent events and lack of assistance I reckon tis time for secession.
Really - they will reap what they sow, but some of us know better and we are fedup and the time to separate is upon us and freedom only comes to those who understand liberty and liberty comes from a tree of blood.
So - don't say the "Civil War" was "won" because that is not correct - Lincoln was a traitor in the minds of Jefferson and Madison - and truly the Union should have been broken then and slavery would have been absolved either way, and if it happened as such, times now would be better, but it didn't happen that way and now - here we are - so make a choice. I've made mine and I choose secession from a union failed in concept and disconnected from the ideologies of the founding fathers.
Put a bullet in my brain for saying as such - makes no difference to me - cause I stand by my principles and those cannot be killed.
Looks like Primanti Bros. Restaurant and Sports Bar has figured out a way to get $1 million free advertising in the leftist mass media. 4-d level chess Capitalism there.
So are you insinuating this is not true? Believe me it is true. This is a famous restaurant in the area and was going there to eat and supporters were there waiting for him.
Of course it is true. I’m not denying it … I’s suggesting that there is sooo much psychological weaponry already in place that fact now carry alternate meanings as they are manipulated routinely.
For once I agree with a member of the Kamala/Walz team! I, too, would like to see the destruction of the US government, the most criminal, evil, murderous organized crime syndicate in human history. Shut it down, throw them all in prison, and start over.
Dane Wiggington provided proof a few days ago that Helene was indeed guided to and then stalled over the southeastern US. My first thought was, “What better way to shut down thousands of Red state voting locations or access to them.” They just killed millions with a bioweapon injection. Anyone think they’re opposed to killing a few thousand more to help steal an election they’d lose in a landslide otherwise?
I surely did not miss your point. We need an American restart for sure but it won't come from DC no matter who is President. That is why here in TN we are taking back our Constitutional authority. I wish other states would join us. We have legislation that will create 5 different pathways in which to invoke nullification when the federal government steps out of it's small garden in the states large garden. Read Art. 1 Sec. 8 of the Constitution. THAT is the federal government small garden. If not on the list then they are treading on the states garden and we need to stand up and refuse to comply......that is nullification.....the rightful remedy.
Here is a link related - entitled: Appalachia After Hurricane Helene: What the Media Won't Tell You
You know - these feds out of dc dismiss the folks in Appalachia are making huge mistake - cause this is the sort of thing that gets folk's minds raises ire to the point where relations are broken permanently, and given all the damage that has occurred - well - don't mess with highlanders would be all I'd type in that regard - they are FIERCE.
Moreover, the folks of Appalachia - are most seriously stout in action.
Consider the Battle of Kings Mountain as well as Cowpens in that regard.
If not for them, we would still be under British authority, and without them, this country will not last much longer.
Serious business - but secession is in the wind.
Country folks just want to be left alone to live their lives independently. You are right. Thanks BK!
Exactly - so what is the point of participating if the gubment could give a shit bout you?
Speaks to the need of liberty that Jefferson spoke of....the tree of Liberty he talked about....why participate in a federal gubment that offers no service nor value locally?
Wouldn't it be better to have local arrangements that tend to the locals versus federal entanglements that just suck out tax dollar of fiat currency losing faith rapidly?
Disasters like Helene expose how corrupt and incompetent federal government is! The bigger federal government gets, the more corrupt and incompetent they become. Federal government is never held accountable. Just like the secret service agents not getting fired for nearly getting Trump murdered twice.
I agree - but the level of unaccountability has gone so over the postmodernist top, that not only are big changes on the way, but some folks are not going to be alive when the dust settles - lets hope those of us with a clear mind and a fair view and an understanding of the founding principles remain, and then we can create a potentially better place that fore-goes 20th century ideas proven wrong.
I'll tell you this though - just now I'm so angry I could eat a frog. I'd eat a dog in the wolfpack not keeping up...I'm really angry.
I'm so angry I could piss in the wind....I'm so angry I could cry about it all.
I'm so angry I'm sad about it all....I'm so angry bout how pathetic it all is - cause I'm so angry it ain't evident to all - big changes on the way and big storms as well - the storms are forming and they are angry.
I'm so angry - and that anger demands justice - if the jungle is where justice happens, then so be it - lets have a test of will I reckon - I'm so angry I'll prove you wrong - I'm so angry I'll die a man content knowing - I didn't give up - I took no jab - I didn't let them poke me - and now I demand justice and I'm so angry I will die to get it.
I think we all are angry, frustrated and a ton of other emotions. We all need to channel those emotions into the fighting spirit of our forefathers. Fear no man...Fear only the wrath of God if we do nothing. Like c Anderson said below you are not alone.
I think the time for secession is upon us. I could be wrong, but I feel directly the folks in Appalachia have been offended, so I believe when Calhoun spoke of the concept of "nullification" Jackson made a big mistake refuting that and Jackson also was a traitor to the Cherokee- and he was the founder of the democratic donkey ass party - and now tis time for hell to be paid for them and all their supporters - may they perish in eternity in memory of all the harm caused they are directly responsible for - as it is said in the bible:
thee shall reap what thee sows
North Carolina Flood Damage is Far Underestimated
Listened to that all - speaks to the lack of priority I reckon P - speaks to why the federal gubment deserves not a whit of respect - what good to they do - apparently none - so truly who needs a worthless federal entity stealing funds to pay for wars nobody wants while citizen's direct in need of aid get ignored?
KB, take heart in knowing the Cvil War was won by those who knew freedom was the only way America could survive. You are not alone!
The civil war was "not" won - rather it was a tool used by Lincoln to exert more federal authority - from the perspective of Jefferson and Madison I'd suggest the civil war was lost, and now here we are.
Time to make amends ain't it - time to secede I reckon.
Do or die time - the folks in Appalachia will choose whether they want any part of federal gubment gives no aid to folks local but sends funds to those overseas fighting wars created false - so seems an easy choice.
I vote for NOTA - and I advocate for nullification - and frankly given recent events and lack of assistance I reckon tis time for secession.
Really - they will reap what they sow, but some of us know better and we are fedup and the time to separate is upon us and freedom only comes to those who understand liberty and liberty comes from a tree of blood.
So - don't say the "Civil War" was "won" because that is not correct - Lincoln was a traitor in the minds of Jefferson and Madison - and truly the Union should have been broken then and slavery would have been absolved either way, and if it happened as such, times now would be better, but it didn't happen that way and now - here we are - so make a choice. I've made mine and I choose secession from a union failed in concept and disconnected from the ideologies of the founding fathers.
Put a bullet in my brain for saying as such - makes no difference to me - cause I stand by my principles and those cannot be killed.
Looks like Primanti Bros. Restaurant and Sports Bar has figured out a way to get $1 million free advertising in the leftist mass media. 4-d level chess Capitalism there.
What would Vance be doing at that restaurant if his camp didn't already know about?
So are you insinuating this is not true? Believe me it is true. This is a famous restaurant in the area and was going there to eat and supporters were there waiting for him.
primanti bros. steals their employees' tips and got sued for it.
nickel-and-dime artists. shameless. typical kamala supporters
Of course it is true. I’m not denying it … I’s suggesting that there is sooo much psychological weaponry already in place that fact now carry alternate meanings as they are manipulated routinely.
Thank you Karen Bracken for exposing so much truth.
For once I agree with a member of the Kamala/Walz team! I, too, would like to see the destruction of the US government, the most criminal, evil, murderous organized crime syndicate in human history. Shut it down, throw them all in prison, and start over.
Dane Wiggington provided proof a few days ago that Helene was indeed guided to and then stalled over the southeastern US. My first thought was, “What better way to shut down thousands of Red state voting locations or access to them.” They just killed millions with a bioweapon injection. Anyone think they’re opposed to killing a few thousand more to help steal an election they’d lose in a landslide otherwise?
Their depravity knows no bottom!
Pretty sure you missed my point. Lol
I surely did not miss your point. We need an American restart for sure but it won't come from DC no matter who is President. That is why here in TN we are taking back our Constitutional authority. I wish other states would join us. We have legislation that will create 5 different pathways in which to invoke nullification when the federal government steps out of it's small garden in the states large garden. Read Art. 1 Sec. 8 of the Constitution. THAT is the federal government small garden. If not on the list then they are treading on the states garden and we need to stand up and refuse to comply......that is nullification.....the rightful remedy.