Solid thinking.

Very obvious that it's really a UniParty, As Tucker would highlight. Controlled Opposition colluding together for Elections and everything else. True deep state tyranny.

Two parties is Fake.

Language Matters so we should stop legitimizing them with the labels as if those labels mean anything.

Let's call them what they are - Deep State Operatives


Treasonous Deep State Operatives.

So being complicit as controlled opposition - ala - Hannity and 98% of the Treasonous controlled opposition group is in many many ways worse than the headliner deep state non controlled opposition group.

We need to expose this and use our words wisely.

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Breast Feeding Man: Isn't it ironic? This statue depicts an ideal male, in every detail: beard, masculine physique, genitalia, etc., all anatomically correct. These are physical traits that no female can exhibit apart from dramatic medical interventions. The ONLY feature that is not male is the breasts. The artist HAD to depict the man, fully masculine, to demonstrate his point: it is the man's brain that is confused. I'm not confused. The artist is confused.

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Even dramatic medical interventions cannot replicate the perfect male or female genitalia. When a male undergoes the removal of his penis and has an artificial vagina created they are not told of the pain and suffering. They have to dilate that vagina every day or it will close up. No wonder so many of these mentally ill people are violent and suicidal after transition. Between the horrors they put their body through and the drugs they will never be mentally stable. This is like the obese that get their stomachs reduced, lose weight, then gain it all back. They never really addressed the issues that made them obese in the first place and that is the same with these people that think they are in the wrong body. It all boils down to deep self loathing. I believe it stems from the destruction of the family and parents who pawn their kids off for someone else to raise. Parents who are totally disconnected from their kids and this is more prevelant today than ever in our history and it was all planned. The artist is not confused. He is every bit as mentally derranged as a man that thinks he can breat feed a child.

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Awesome Fox analysis 👍 Now why didn't I think of that? It did sound really strange that Fox would pay Dominion such a huge sum for such a deminimous brand with such minor impact exposure.

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And on top of that the DNC announces there will be ZERO debates among the Democrat candidates. But their focus is on Trump. They must destroy Trump. Unless the R party learns how to intercept the theft that will take place with the machines we are screwed. But I personally convinced that the pay out was a gift to Dominion to INSURE Trump does not win.

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You have a Gift, you are correct in what you say! If we did get rid of the Voting Machines, that would make way to much sense not only that, the Iligitamit Regime would Admit that They were Wrong!! I won't be holding my breath for that Admission!

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They will never admit they were wrong. So many Democrats have already admitted on tape (including Sen. Kamala Harris) that the machines can be hacked but of course they were only concerned when they feared they could have their election stolen. Now that the tide has turned against Republicans they are all silent. The Trump campaign must figure out a way to stop the transfer and manipulation of votes. A technology that can subvert the machines from changing votes. I am not sure this is even possible but they need to look into it or face another election theft.

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We have seen the Deception, heard from Doctors, Constitutional Lawyer's....that claim this that and the other ! I'm sooo sick and tired of talk, remember talk is cheap, everybody wants a piece of the action. Books are being written, natural vitamins are now abundant! Until Everyone gets back to Our Country's Fundamentals, GOD, FAMILY and Country, we are screwed,! And We will be just like China, what a lovely thought...NOT!!!

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Lee is a lying tool--and a disgrace to a pretty solid red state!

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