I watched the Stew Peters / Dr. Ardis video. It was interesting - it didn't seem to provide a clear explanation for the title, other than that one quick segment where they dropped water onto the C*VID test and it looked like it was positive. That seemed to be a very sketchy demonstration of what I think that the main point was? ("Sketchy" meaning that there was very little proof of that whole theory, or fact, it seemed to me a little lacking.) It was very interesting, though, and as you said, it does provide some explanations behind different effects from the sickness and the vax.

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022Author

He was saying we are putting the infection in the waste water via poop/pee. The CDC put this out last week. Ardis covered that in his interview. Here is even a better interview with more detail from Steel Truth. He is now actually saying they are putting it in the water. Ardis is also going to be on John B. Wells tonight. Believe me there is more to come. New interview with more info. https://rumble.com/v10n0sd-dr.-ardis-bombshell-is-here-snakes-are-everywhere.html

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Hello Karen - thanks for the reply. He did say that, but I was confused about whether or not it was in the water before - the part about predicting an outbreak within 5 days in a particular area after detecting the 'infection' in the water? Maybe I just misinterpreted the point that he was bringing up at that point? The test packet with the water dripping on it from the faucet that appeared to show a positive result left me hanging a bit. I watched part 1 of an interview that is on brighteon TV - someone posted it in a comment on Steve Kirsch's substack. I'll try to post the link here, in case you haven't seen it. https://www.brighteon.com/2b090826-787f-4d03-9f78-a1a80d3fe767

all-in-all this is very interesting information, and it will be interesting to see what new information comes out. Also to see if this ever gets any traction with people, especially people who might have power to do something about it.

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Thanks. Funny I have already watched Mike Adams Part 1 interview and currently watching Part 2. Part 3 I think is coming tomorrow.

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I'm watching that Steel Truth video - one thing is that I keep seeing the same information as I've seen in the other places - sometimes a slightly different "spin" on it, depending on the perceptions of the interviewer. This is a bombshell, I'd like to get the "nuggets" from all of these presentations, so it means a lot of viewing time!

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I hear ya. I have been watching nothing else non stop today. The Mike Adams interviews so far get more into the actual details than any others do far. Some repeated info but lots of new stuff too.

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He did say (in the "Steel Truth" video) that it is being added to the water. Targeting specific demographics.

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