Amazing work. 😊

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Thank you!!

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I'm calling BS on the Bio-Diversity Map. In the tip of NW GA. there is a light green zone triangle area which is Dade County. It is largely undeveloped and mountainous being a part of the Tennessee Plateau and River Ravine topography. It will never be a population denisty area.

If this is any indicator of accuracy it's BS. not that the entire concept of population relocation is BS.

The Feral Gov forceably removed people from the Great Smoky Mtn Park areas in he 1930's under the FDR Regime.

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With a map this small and a tiny green spot in an area you think cannot be populated is foolish. In order to zero in on the exact location this map would need to blown up and detailed. There is really no need to be rude.

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I blew it up Karen. No need to be dogmatic just because a flaw was pointed out in the map.

btw, that is what the ProgreSSives do when confronted with inconvenient facts. I am as red pilled as anyone as the entirity of my post clearly shows.

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Well forgive me if I prefer to believe the creators of this map as they were experts in what they did. Again, the scale of the map and detail is what will determine the actual exact territory covered in that green space. Call my response whatever you prefer. I still stick with my statement that there was no reason for rudeness and you were rude. I appreciate adult discussion but abhor uncalled for rudeness.

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Thanks so much. I admire her tremendously. I will surely watch this one.

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Here is another link for you. Josh Mitteldorf, thoroughly details and discusses the book Sickening, written by John Abramson MD https://mitteldorf.substack.com/p/not-sickening-enough

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Again, Thanks. Another Substack for me to join. LOL

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Thank you for keeping us abreast of what’s been happening in our country.

This explains why our government has allowed China to buy our land especially near our nuclear military bases and will continue to do so under this administration, very scary times

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This administration is the most dangerous yet BUT the take down of this country has been perpetuated by many administrations for a long time and it has been done by both Republican and Democrat administrations. Things are sadly going to get much worse and it is time for Americans to decide if they are going to fight back or line up like sheep.

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Thank you for your comments, you’re absolutely right about both Republican and Democrat administrations. My biggest worry is the upcoming elections, that there’s a repeat of 2020 and letting illegals vote. I tell my friends they need to vote in person. Americans need to wake up.

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Thanks. Yes we must vote in person, on election day and then check the state system to insure your vote was counted.

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