Voter Fraud/Toxic US Foods/Foreign interference in our elections/Lying Kamala
Saturday October 19, 2024 Truth Bomb
Experts Share How to Stop Voter Fraud in the 2024 Election with Alex Newman (the election piece is covered within the first 35 min.) VIDEO
Officials in States with Cryptographic Algorithms in Voter Rolls Are Not Taking the Problem Seriously - here is the American Thinker Article that Jerome Corsi mentioned - ARTICLE
How many of you know that ingredients banned in Europe for their toxic effects are used in our US food supply. STOP buying all Kellogg products. VIDEO
Michigan’s Voter Rolls List 8.4M Voters. There Are Fewer Than 8M Voting-Age Residents In The State. - this is only one state we need to worry about. If by some miracle Trump wins the very FIRST thing he and Congress must do is fix the election fraud in this country. I just hope it is not too late. ARTICLE
Todd Bensman: Biden-Harris Admin Cut Deal with Mexico to Hold 400k Illegals in ‘Gaza Strip of Immigration’ Near Guatemala Until After Election to Temporarily Lower Border Crossings into U.S. - ARTICLE
So now folks from the UK are coming to the US to campaign for Kamala Harris - does anyone have an issue with this? This is foreign interference in US elections and if they were coming here to campaign for Trump this would be non-stop news - TWITTER
Labour Party MP Door-Knocked for Kamala Harris in New Hampshire as Comms Director Campaigned in Nevada - And for another source of this foreign interference in our elections which is against the law…..more proof that the Democrats are lawless - ARTICLE
Kamala, the internet never forgets…..that is why the Democrats want to silence our GOD given right to free speech. VIDEO
Question: when it comes to election interference in foreign countries, does any country come close to what America’s CIA / State Department has been doing “successfully” for over a hundred years?
I am referring to the video on breakfast cereals. Do not feed your children any breakfast cereal. None of them are any good to set your child up for a morning at school. Feed them protein at breakfast and the best little package of protein that you can feed your child is an egg! Add some whole grain toast and doesn't matter if the dyes are taken out of omg! FRUITLOOPS! It is garbage!