The war has already begun. I felt attacked by my government when the vaccine mandate arrived. God Bless the USA. (nurse)

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War began a loooong time ago. Just out in the open now. Wife and son both are APRN’s and yeah you were attacked because nurses CARE.

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It is easy to think about you! One of our heroines. Hope all if going well for you.

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Thanks so much. Yes all is well and an extremely busy time.

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The methane gas is the BS spewing out of Bill Gates' mouth!! Lock up this son of a bitch; he is a criminal and creating crimes against humanity! If anybody else does what he has done, they would have been locked up and placed in a dungeon by now or fried in an electric chair! You can blame politicians for allowing this as well as local law enforcement for not coming together to prosecute this piece of garbage! I thought talking about depopulating and killing people off like he said publicly is crimes against humanity and conspiracy to murder? I thought pushing vaccines and suggesting a treatment plan for medical conditions was considered practicing medicine without a license? It's time for Bill' lead vaccine!

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He is the spawn of Satan. Back in the 90's he brought before the US Congress and I believe he made a deal with the devil (our government) in order to save his precious Microsoft. He will never be held accountable in this life because he is doing what our government wants him to do. 501(c)3 and 4 need to be ended.

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Yes, it's interesting you say that! I took a course on Linux operating systems last semester. My professor shared with us a documentary about the Linux operating system and its inception in the late eighties and early nineties because it was a free open source operating system and still is, "Billy Boy," Psychopathic Pervert, Neurotic Weirdo had a hissy fit and tried to put a stop to it which he was not able to do because it is open source and since Gates was hated back then in the IT world. A little-known secret to the general public: Linux supports 97% of the internet servers, including the AWS Amazon Server (one of the most considerable internet hosting servers). However, anyone can use this open-source operating system on a virtual machine or your PC. Gates is a Control Freak!

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Let's stop acting like the "bird flu" is something real.

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Karen, This article on Bill Gates from The Defender--Children's Health Defense, has some new information on him.


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Thanks.....yes I had seen it and it is lined up for my Tuesday Substack. I have so much to put out I had to push this into Tuesday. Thanks for thinking of me.

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It’s a damn good thing China is building so many coal fired power plants pumping CO2 into the air. They might just save us all. Lol

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They want Civil War to start WW3.

Civil War... Viva La Muerte


And Bill Gates fears Fritz Freud


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