The first election I found out was rigged with these machines was 2000. Hanging chads in Florida were just a welcome distraction from the real fraud. Clinton Curtis testified to John Conyers’ judiciary committee a couple years after, about having written the software, yet nothing happened. The criminals that did it then pulled off the 9/11 false flag, illegally invaded two sovereign nations and started a insanely profitable global war on terror that continues to this day. In just over 20 years that election rigging machinery and software has been exported to every US state and around the world and this explains why our world has gone off the rails. You wonder why so many state governors, as well as the leaders of Canada, Australia, the UK, New Zealand, and many others, are just going along with global fraud and tyranny, now you know! True power knows they don’t have to worry about the people voting them out anymore. Dominion and ES&S have their backs! I have video evidence on my phone of 1/5th the winning vote margin being swapped from Ky governor Bevin to challenger Beshear in one instant on election night! And Beshear was the perfect CCP stooge to implement the globalist agenda in Ky. They know they can commit any crime and pass any legislation and burn any city to the ground…and still get elected next cycle. And, I kid you not, we can even thank these easily hacked elections for the global corona fraud. There isn’t now and never was a dangerous global pandemic. It is a complete fraud, top to bottom and, until these machines are scrapped, no one will be held accountable for it and the world will continue to burn.

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I knew during the 2008 that election fraud took place and that was my wake up call. I believe many of the blue states went blue and stay blue because of election/voter fraud. During the first election fraud hearings after the 2020 election a witness at the AZ hearing stated he not only researched the election of 2020 he went back more than 10 years. He found the severe election fraud started in earnest in 2008. Did we have fraud prior to that? Yes we did. But it became perverse as of 2008. I was living in PA at the time of the 2008 election and we went to our SEC with proof that fraud took place and we were totally ignored. Zelensky was selected, he was not elected and I believe the US was part of this puppet being elected. When they are done with him they will destroy him just like they are trying to destroy Putin. Zelensky is a useful idiot and we all know what happens to them once their usefulness is over. Putin is no angel but he will protect his country at all costs. Putin, like Trump the DAVOS to take their Great Reset and shove it. Well, they got rid of Trump (so they think) and now they must get rid of Putin. Putin is NOT a YGL. He was too old when the group was created and they had an age limit of 38 years of age and Putin was 51 when the YGL was formed. He is not a YGL. He is not about to give his country over to the WEF or the UN. They must replace him with another useful idiot like Zelinsky, Biden, Trudeau and most of the other puppets running the most powerful nations like UK, Australia, New Zealand etc.

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