Mar 30, 2022·edited Mar 30, 2022

Karen, has anyone dug into the background of "The Expose"? They don't reveal their names or qualifications. I know they're UK based. I am so intrigued with their 3-jab stats re: UK, Canada, NZ. If I want to red pill someone, I want my judgement based on solid due-diligence. For example, my "no question they're true" sources include CHD, Meryl Nass, Steve Kirsch, etc. My brother is a NZ citizen and he's so happy that he's getting every jab that's available. Ugh. I love him but he's not only pro vaxx, he's extremely liberal (naive). Thanks.

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Mar 30, 2022·edited Mar 30, 2022Author

If you dig into comments about them you will find the same propaganda you find about CHD, JFK Jr, Dr. Malone, Dr. Alexander, Dr. Nass, Dr. Rose, Dr. Kory, Dr. Merrick.....you get my drift. But many of the above stand by the information that is shared by Expose'. Whenever the press goes after a group, a person or a news outlet my inclination is to believe the total opposite. Sadly, NZ , Australia, UK are full blown Socialist countries.

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Mar 30, 2022·edited Mar 30, 2022

Thank you Karen and I concur on "whenever the press......."

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I thank you for taking the time to comment and challenge. We need to always ask questions and challenge what we are being told even from supposed trusted sources. We all know even at times the trusted are not always honest. But so far I have found Expose to be a trusted source. When the day comes I feel differently I will openly admit my mistake and never share anything they share.

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