
Me too. He said it was an experimental surgery so we all pray for the best outcome.

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Thanks for all the info. I pray that Bobby will be ok. We need him to be.❤

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Dr. John Sarno, TMS, has cured thousands. No surgery. Without knowing BJr. full med history, he may still be a candidate. Our house is actually concerned for BJr. Prayers.

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This is a very disturbing claim by Dr. Dolores Cahill. Time will tell.

DOLORES CAHILL: “Everyone Who Has Had An mRNA Injection Will Die Within 3 -5 Years” (truth11.com)

10 minutes:


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Yes I have heard this presentation by Dr. Cahill. The problem is that if this is true they will NEVER admit is was from the vaccine. They will just explain it away as an unusual increase in mortality for which they have no explanation. Gee, maybe we need more vaccines?? If only people would understand depopulation is the goal of the globalists. They cannot control 8 billion people so billions must be destroyed. I also believe this injection will render a huge number of men and women sterile.

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Sad but true. Thank you for sharing about the WHO. Everyone who loves medical freedom and sovereignty of our Nation needs to sign this to stop the WHO take over of our health freedom.

URGENT: Support HR419, No Taxpayer Funding for the WHO. | Stand for Health Freedom


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