It’s important to remember one of the ultimate objectives of The Great Covid Con is generating fear. Fear causes more damage than the virus. I am reminded of the study of two identical sheep housed where one could only see a wolf in a cage and one could not. The sheep that could see the wolf (but faced no danger) was constantly stressed, developed sickness and died long before the one that couldn’t see it.

I read recently that the original Wuhan strain killed 100% of mice. Mice are not humans. So why are ALL the good guys running with the new Boston lab fear porn article about the new creation that kills 80%? Website clicks? I don’t know but I reject the fear for it is the mind killer.

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Great insight thanks. I have never been afraid of COVID and I do not fear this new fear they are creating. I believe God controls the end of my life not man. If more people trusted (and feared) in God instead of fearing man we would be much better off. When I did my 90 second video and submitted it for the last WHO meeting we were asked to give our ideas on how to prevent future pandemics. I stated 3 ways to do that. 1. Stop ALL gain of function research globally and immediately,

2. shut down ALL BSL III and IV labs globally and immediately,

3. and the most important, shut down the WHO, NIH, CDC, FDA, HHS and the UN.

There was a lot more I could suggest but we could not exceed 90 secs. But yes fear is a more powerful enemy of the people than bombs or bullets and THEY know it.

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I agree the fear is as bad or worse than the reality. However, this nano technology is unpredictable!!! I read a fictional book about 20 years ago. It might have been a Michael Chriton book, don’t recall now. In the end of the book the Nano-technology had OUTSMARTED its creators/scientists and took over. No one could stop it!!! Maybe that is the fear!

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Not to say there is no danger but FEAR helps nothing but it insures people will comply with whatever the government has planned for us. This is the real agenda behind these pathogens being released on the public. There was a research paper released that studied what does it take for people to willingly give up their freedom. 2 of the big hitters were PATHOGENS and FAMINE. Both are staring us in the face. To fear it solves no purpose. We need to understand the pending danger and prepare to protect ourselves and we can do that for both pathogens and famine. Americans are extremely unhealthy (all by design). Eating junk, very little to zero exercise, excesses, very little sun, overweight, stress all make us targets for pathogens. Famine is easy to fend off but people need to take steps to ensure you have food or can grow food ASAP.

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Yes, I agree. But the more I know/learn, I cant pretend its not fear invoking. Like I listened to Dr Bhakti in Greece recently. He revealed from autopsies 70% had damaged brains & hearts from the jabs. The brain damage is scary too bc cant repair either from the damage. Our govt wants to kill us. I want to know all I can about this, but it is a bit terrifying!

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The democrats are evil and know how to lie, cheat, steal, and turn the tables on the innocent!

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