Thank you Karen for being out front and sharing this and the "real" news never to be shared by the MSM, which is simply an extension of the worldwide cabal. Prayers work.....I hope.

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Yes they do and we need A LOT prayer right now.

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Very much the reason I wanted to start sharing on Substack. Reflecting on an era in our world when Faith and prayer were embraced.

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Rise up or this is a done deal. Every gutless American needs to hit the streets in unison. It’s now or never. They can only get away with what we allow. A small group of psychopathic billionaires get together and mob rule the planet? What??!! It’s just insane. It’s easier for smaller countries to take to the streets. Our country is spread out with no leader, no coordination, no nothing. Just apathy. It’s sickening.

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Kathy....kuddos. You are spot on. Too many Americans are gutless and we are going to pay a dear price for being a country of cowards.

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Amen sis. It’s true. Never thought we’d be fighting our own apathetic people! Ironic. So they will drag us down with them.

Thanks for all you do Karen. You are a true unapologetic patriot. I just wish there were more like you. I do love this Substack community here. It gives me hope. God bless! 🙏👏

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...i've just downloaded the pdf u posted yesterday Karen, thanks!.. and digging into other items... so i'm just posting links here about what they call Global Economic Summit, goin on since Monday until today in scenic Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland...my impression is that their laying down a marker, and coming for everythin, and they recently announced a massive National Park for near that area...the above named summit i take it is a CLG company, ie a company limited by guarantee...i guess u've seen this in much the same guise in the US Karen?!....https://globaleconomicsummit.ie/ ...https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2024/0520/1450085-global-economic-summit/ ... https://www.companyformations.ie/company-formations/irish-company-limited-by-guarantee-clg/ ... and a link about the park, rte is the main propaganda station here... https://www.rte.ie/news/munster/2024/0422/1444859-govt-to-announce-creation-of-new-national-park-in-kerry/ ... i've suspected and spoken to friends for some time that Killarney is becoming some sort of 'a centre' for this agenda, however i had no idea it was goin to this level of focus, and no there are goin to be two national parks in that area, one already had been long established... https://www.rte.ie/news/munster/2024/0422/1444859-govt-to-announce-creation-of-new-national-park-in-kerry/ ...Henry Lamb, Michael Coffman and urself Karen came immediately to mind when i came across the Summit article on Monday!...

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