Thank you Karen for continually putting out crucial information. Vaccines work synergistically with EMF I believe as radiofrequencies exacerbate the aluminum in the brain. If you've ever put a klondike bar in the microwave like I did when I was young, you'll know what I mean.

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Or Eaten one Too Fast .... Brain Freeze ......Yeow!!!

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The "Other" World OUTSIDE of this Bubble We live in, the USA or USSA depending on how me/we/you View Reality, is Moving AWAY from the Feral Reserve Bankster Dollar. Not just the BRICS but "Allies" that have Bought our US Treasury Bonds as well, like Japan.

Countries around the World Hold Our Debt in the form of Dollars and Bonds. If they All Dump them at once or within a small time period then The Value/Worth goes Down, to Zero? No probably not but Catastrophic for them in LOSS of Value and for US in Loss of Value of the dollar domestically, (Inflation)

So these Other Countries like Japan are gradually selling off their US Treasury "Assets" really Debt Bonds, right now At A Loss to them but getting something is better than getting Less or something closer to nothing.

We, the USA, "buys" (GETS) much of it's Goods and Neccessities from Overseas (the Other World) and They Are Getting Out of Dollars!!! So We ARE & WILL PAY MORE for Everything, as They Do Not Trust Our Bonds or will Want our Feral Reserve Dollars,

As I said, they are Getting Out Gradually, and have been for awhile, but do not want to start a "Fire Sale" as they lose even more. However once the Dam starts leaking, since the 60's, measured by Inflation = Defaluation of the Dollar, It just Increases until the Dam Breaks. Even After a Dam Break there is usually a small pond left behind, so its not a desert. BUT it IS a Drastic Different Reality.

We have No Duty to protect the US Feral Banksters, they have RUINED OUR ECONOMY and OUR LIVES which sooner and sooner is getting Worse. 32 Trillion in Debt, ADDING another Trillion Every Year IS DISASTER. The Dam is Gushing (Defaulting) Dollars. "Hyper"Inflation used to be considered outside the realm of reality, It no longer is just a remote "possibility."


GET OUT, as Far Away as Possible from the US Dollar. Tangibles bought Now are cheaper than tomorrows. Real Money in Gold/Silver in your personal possession, FOOD Supplies Stockpiled and Growing Capability/ Livestock, Self Defense Capability are all vital, PRE not Post.

Please CYA, Conduct Yourselves Accordingly.

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I hear ya and we have been preparing for a time such as this since 2011.

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Me too, "Timing" is always a varible, but looking back a decade the current Social Reality was unimaginable to me. Applying this progreSSivism yardstick going forward hopefully is intolerable as well as prepared for, in order to reverse it and reduce it to inconsequence.

"Interesting Times" indeed.

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Sadly I realized the truth long ago and have lived with the reality of our future for a long time. Our main focus in life was being prepared for what I knew was coming but prayed it would not come in my life time. But now I worry about my child, grandchildren and my great grandchildren. One thing we always did was to NEVER be in debt. Us baby boomers grew up without many of conveniences and technologies most younger people never experienced so to go back to those days is very doable for us and most welcomed. I will be very happy to disconnect and I will when the time is right.

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How "Far Back" is the question in my mind. 1880 is a bit too far, perhaps We can manage thru the 1930's I prefer the 1950's having experienced those years.

We will All Know soon enough....... Keep Smiling in the Rain :-)


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...good links again Karen...and all good articles tend to be involved corresponding to the natures of the their topics...i'm still coming down sort of from the Coffman video...and will go again! ...suffering a bit from info overload...anyway here are more shenanigans from our favourite organization...https://www.technocracy.news/nordangard-transition-to-a-new-global-order/ ...and of course i checked the info concerning Ireland and Niger...https://www.dfa.ie/pmun/newyork/news-and-speeches/securitycouncilstatements/statementsarchive/stakeout-following-vote-on-the-climate-and-security-resolution-.html ...i knew nothing of it....i no longer look at main stream...but i should keep an eye on it...the UN document doesn't seem to bode well for the near future from what i can see?!...

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