Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

I don't normally make comments on people's appearances, but Schwab's daughter is as ugly as he is, whether she likes it or not. As Lincoln said, anyone over 40 is responsible for their own face. And hers reflects a misanthropic evil. I.e., internally, she is even MORE ugly. But I'm sure SHE stands to benefit from the next lockdown. And WHY is Schwab having kids??? Isn't that contributing to global warming?? Truth is, she's just another hanger-on, in her position due to rich parents (can you say Chelsea). You can lock me down, you witch, when you pry my freedom from my cold, dead clammy hands, you disgusting, butt-ugly witch

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BRAVO!!! And I agree she looks way too much like her father. But outside looks aside she has a black heart and no soul just like her father. The spawns of Satan....Chelsea....Alex Soros.....Kerry's daughter all more evil than their parents and they will be around when our children and grand children will have to maneuver their evil. But as long as I have breath in my body I will fight for them. The people better wake up and realize there is no one in DC that will fix these issues and that includes Trump. It MUST come from the people but sadly the people are now right where the globalists want them. Dumbed down, lazy and obedient. They would sell their soul for convenience. In TN I just organized a new group and we have legislation written and sponsored to establish a legal process to invoke Nullification and it is our hope other states will jump on board and join us. tncss.weebly.com and tncss.substack.com The only peaceful solution left is Nullification. We have a ton of info on the website and I encourage people to join our substack and take the legislation posted on the website to get it passed in their state.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Karen Bracken

Hey, Good one! Ha Ha Why don't you tell us how you really feel! LOL (I love it!)

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The Make Or Break For This Movement

Is Whether Just One Of The Notable Doctors

That We So Carefully Follow, Will Dismantle The Core Credibility/Foundation Of The Very Same Medical Institutions That They Themselves Depend Upon So Dearly

- For Their Own Credibility.

Their Own Readership And Followers, In The Hundreds Of Thousands, Are Further Along Than Many Of The Doctors Who Have Yet To "Unlearn" The Lies.

Consequently The Longer Each Of Them Takes

- The Less Credibility They Are Each Left With.

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