I've posted on Truth he's going to have to acknowledge the vax disaster. It'll be interesting to see where it goes, it's early. As RFK Jr gets cranked up, the status quo will become ever more untenable. I think what can't continue simply won't. I can't imagine a more "target rich" environment for positive developments, everything is so screwed up right now.

God altered my mistaken thinking He'd decided to just let US reap what we'd sown when He didn't let them kill him on July 13. Apparently He's not finished with His Earth Experiment. I'll remain prayerful and engaged.

As always, Thank you for all your continuing hard work and diligence. It'll take all of us.

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Thanks Dennis. I agree with all that you said but I do not believe Trump will ever acknowledge the mistake of Operation Warp Speed or the COVID injection. Maybe one day in the future when it can no longer be denied but in the mean time millions will die and that is something I could never forgive. Why is he nominating all of these people that are totally on the other side of the fence than RFK Jr?? There is something not right about these appointments of people supporting the shot. I pray there is a method to the madness but so far I am not seeing it. RFK Jr. wanted Dr. Lazaro for SG which would have been the obvious choice. So what happened? There is no way he would have picked that woman. And then there is Dr. Oz. Really??????

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Good morning. Happy Thanksgiving.

I'm Foursquare with you on not seeing the method in this madness of mis appointments. I don't get it either. My hope is he's just putting easy "wins" in and will retire and replace apace as the Reckoning happens? IDK.

Just read this am Elon can't audit the IRS because it's not a government entity? I didn't know that. So much I don't know. I remain prayerful.

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