... good news out of Louisiana Karen!.. I'm lookin at this Expose article as ur email comes in... it's about what's called C4ISR... here's the link.. https://expose-news.com/2024/06/20/could-c4isr-be-used-for-a-eugenics-programme/ ...and the link to the patent at the end of the preamble... https://patents.google.com/patent/US6965816B2/en?inventor=Richard+C+Walker ... from which i copied the following abstract...'Abstract

This invention, a Protected Primary Focal Node PFN is a Trusted Remote Activity Controller TRAC and mobile communication router platform that provides accountable remote and robotics control to transportation vehicles by interfacing with the vehicles E/E systems. It connects each vehicle either on the earth's surface or near the earth's surface with application specific intranets for air, sea and land travel, via either host commercial servers or agency providers through wireless communication gateways and then further interfaces these vehicles in a larger machine messaging matrix via wireless and IP protocols to further coordinate movement assess and manage equipment use and impact on the world resources, societies infrastructure and the environment. This filing focuses directly on PFN/TRAC System use to augment and upgrade public safety and security in the Airline Industry and restrict any unauthorized use of an aircraft. Additionally, this application and related filings teaches the PFN/TRAC Systemβ„’ use for all vehicle platforms to increase safety and security in a free society like the United State of America. The other related filings instruct in the technology's use for robust and accountable remote control for personal applications, stationary equipment and standalone functions, and coordinates them and interfaces them within the communication matrix. The TRAC controller also performs translation and repeating functions across a wide variety of communication protocols to complete a more mobile flexible matrix or web. This connected communication matrix of computers and humans provides an enhanced Human Machine Interfacing HMI scenario both locally and systemically in real-time for improve equipment management and world stability.'... and btw my comment yesterday went a bit awry... πŸ˜‚...i applied it' s context to 'reedin' when rather, i'd meant a reference to 'reefer'... and it's cannabis associations...had't heard the term for about thirty years!...and as luck would have it, a chap came along after i'd posted, and clarified!... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚...the entire affair is a tribute to my all round innocence, Karen!...πŸ™βž•πŸ™...

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Great findπŸ‘! These people lost God and humanity along the way and now they are psychopaths. Psychopaths that use patents to kill people! The USPTO should be dismantled because they’ve allowed EVIL to be patented and gov/corp/private entities use them once they acquire a patent license to master their evil agenda. Just think, if that happened maybe attys would go back to making an HONEST living again!

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... thanks Tex, i looked back in and picked up this link in the comments section...https://mcmartinreports.com/2023/07/13/scattered-notes-dystopia-transhumanist-manifesto-from-hell-religion-of-scientism-what-they-dont-tell-you/ ...i think it's worth a look!?... links at the end....i wish u our condolences on ur mother's death... rip... πŸ™βž•πŸ™...justice somewhere will be served, rest assured!...

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Well thank you Gerry!πŸ™She was a wonderful mom!

Thx for the link! It’ll be interesting to readπŸ˜€

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...thought of u when I came across this Tex, 28 mins... https://expose-news.com/2024/06/21/documentary-unveils-the-shocking-medical-conspiracy/ ... i'll watch in full later!...

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Thx. Bet this is a tear jerker.

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...it is, read the link, could be resourceful platform Tex!...

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... ur welcome, that be heavy goin o'id say, from what i saw of it!...

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The truth? People cannot handle the truth. As days pass more and more are disappearing from the earth from this democide. No one wants to accept that they are being exterminated with their own tax dollars. No one wants to admit that their own retirement funds stored at Blackrock are being used to corral them into their brave new world scenario. We've come No further than we were 20 years ago in the truth movement. Sure, we might have gotten fluoride exposed & more people filtering their water. We may have gotten building 7 acknowledged. With some we just may have exposed this injection. At days end everything is turning up a day short without any dollar. Jefferson said, if we allow banks to issue our currency and control it we'd be standing enslaved on ground our forefathers conquered. Here we are and now, the psychopath have practically enslaved us to the ground we are standing on. I see only one way out. Go back to the wonderful document our forefathers created and read it and find the one thing that may stop this. Yes, it is there..... 10th amendment and if not, the 9th for sure. If we don't stop fearing what they have planned, the fear will devour us and our children before our eyes.

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