I shared the document on my Substack July 1st. Here is the link. Trump says he has never heard of it and has not signed on to it. He said it was ridiculous. I thought some of the stuff was good Getting rid of the 3-letter agencies is a MUST. But no mention of getting out of the UN/WEF. https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf
... i do remember downloading it from ur post then i'm sure it slid out of mind...although i may have from somewhere else before thanks again Karen!...
Dr. Scott Atlas is a doctor with a lot of integrity and morals who was censored by Fauci and Birx because he called out the Scamdemic for what it was, one big fraud pulled over the eyes of the world!!
I agree and admire him a lot. I was very disappointed when they released him from advising President Trump. It was obvious what happened. Dr. Atlas was out spoken about the COVID protocols before he went to DC.
Agreed. The creation of scarcity is their control mechanism. Water is inexhaustible (primary water) but they use the illusion of scarcity to control our access and turn abundance into selective privilege.
Thank you Karen! Shared!
Thank you.
... i must look at the Project 25, so many documents... thanks Karen...
I shared the document on my Substack July 1st. Here is the link. Trump says he has never heard of it and has not signed on to it. He said it was ridiculous. I thought some of the stuff was good Getting rid of the 3-letter agencies is a MUST. But no mention of getting out of the UN/WEF. https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf
... https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/the-rockefellers-created-990-climate/comments#comment-61199462 ... there's alot in here about the Crockefellers...
Yep I got this from her today too. It will go out tomorrow.
... i do remember downloading it from ur post then i'm sure it slid out of mind...although i may have from somewhere else before thanks again Karen!...
Dr. Scott Atlas is a doctor with a lot of integrity and morals who was censored by Fauci and Birx because he called out the Scamdemic for what it was, one big fraud pulled over the eyes of the world!!
I agree and admire him a lot. I was very disappointed when they released him from advising President Trump. It was obvious what happened. Dr. Atlas was out spoken about the COVID protocols before he went to DC.
Karen; I enjoy your post as well. Keep up the good work!
Thank you very much. I appreciate your kind comment.
I explain the electric car deception in this podcast. It is all about control, total control:
Thanks. Absolutely. The war against fossil fuels is really a war against mobility.
Agreed. The creation of scarcity is their control mechanism. Water is inexhaustible (primary water) but they use the illusion of scarcity to control our access and turn abundance into selective privilege.