
Another Shanahan gem of a commercial. Starting to really like this woman after being really skeptical of her liberalness.

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Yes I saw this and will share it as well. I saw a great interview with her too. She like Bobby are still a bit too left for me but we cannot afford to throw the baby out with the bath water. They can bring a lot to our efforts to fix a broken country.

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not convinced that sibling rivalries that spill over into electioneering have significant consequences. look at trump's sister, she went ballistic on him in 2020 and he still won in a landslide

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His (RFK Jr.) family is against him because they are deep in bed with big pharma.

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...good links Karen, i find that right now i struggle to encompass morbid statistics re the 'shots' without feeling my becoming enraged, and it's impossible to conceive that so many parents, and people are apparently goin along with every aspect of this agenda...these morons are more dangerous than a hefty proportion of the globalists put together, i'm sure in the heavenly echelons they are already somewhat despised... u probably received from LL her stack on Tedros, here it is on the off chance u may have missed it Karen... actually, when i went to copy the link, i at first inadvertently copied the one to her next stack which she already had posted!... https://lawyerlisa.substack.com/p/tedros-accused-by-ethiopians-of-systematic?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1287362&post_id=148354349&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1uo2p8&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email ...here's a video that takes an age to start... https://www.youtube.com/live/f1EcJLlOyhU?si=_eiBhM-ERDEY9jfT ... click on it if u've time, scroll to 20:00 and see the size of one example of the 'camps' they are building in Ireland...the video starts at about 15:00 and the essence of it's import continues to 30/35:00....treacherous times!...

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Yes I saw LISA info. I have shared a lot in the past about Tedros. He is totally owned and was selected for his job to depopulate the rest of the world because he is a total murdering sociopath with no conscience and no soul just like his depop buddy Gates.

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... thanks Karen!…they’ve reduced genocide to it’s their way of life!..

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