That includes churches too. Sorry to say that, but they are also part of the problem. I don’t want anyone to have to carry the burden of paying for an out of control budget problem, but nonprofits are the worst offenders when it comes to sucking on the government teat. Literally anyone who understands the advantages of operating a group as tax exempt, 💰seems to have one. 🤑
I totally agree. Churches have turned from their real purpose in order to keep their tax exempt status. There should be no tax exemption for anyone even the poor low income. As the left always reminds us on the right......everyone should pay their fair share.
Gaffney’s fabulous, the American taxpayer takes jabs everyday- from the bastards who swore to protect and serve “ We The People”, placing one hand on the Bible, the other turned palm forward, “ So Help Me God”- I’m a fan of Old Testament justice. I doubt God will help them.
As per the greatest terrorist organization- The three in one triumvirate UN/WEF/WHO CommunoIslamoFascism Red/Green Alliance
...i'm way behind these days Karen, i don't know if u've checked in to CoreysDigs recently, however the Solution Series is available free!... ...most folk here don't seem to have any clue, it's the days of Noah and the weather modification amplifies the atmosphere and effect!...
YES I get Cory's stuff and have followed her for years....long before COVID. I have her solutions interview with KrisAnne Hall scheduled for tomorrow. Thanks
Totally agree that 501c3 tax exemptions should be ended. Most people do not understand the distortions and evil this has attracted.
That includes churches too. Sorry to say that, but they are also part of the problem. I don’t want anyone to have to carry the burden of paying for an out of control budget problem, but nonprofits are the worst offenders when it comes to sucking on the government teat. Literally anyone who understands the advantages of operating a group as tax exempt, 💰seems to have one. 🤑
I totally agree. Churches have turned from their real purpose in order to keep their tax exempt status. There should be no tax exemption for anyone even the poor low income. As the left always reminds us on the right......everyone should pay their fair share.
Gaffney’s fabulous, the American taxpayer takes jabs everyday- from the bastards who swore to protect and serve “ We The People”, placing one hand on the Bible, the other turned palm forward, “ So Help Me God”- I’m a fan of Old Testament justice. I doubt God will help them.
As per the greatest terrorist organization- The three in one triumvirate UN/WEF/WHO CommunoIslamoFascism Red/Green Alliance
...i'm way behind these days Karen, i don't know if u've checked in to CoreysDigs recently, however the Solution Series is available free!... ...most folk here don't seem to have any clue, it's the days of Noah and the weather modification amplifies the atmosphere and effect!...
YES I get Cory's stuff and have followed her for years....long before COVID. I have her solutions interview with KrisAnne Hall scheduled for tomorrow. Thanks
... thanks, i’ll take a look!…
Predictive programming. Check these out. The Simpsons - Art predicts Life - House Cat Flu ~ and
These are great and I will share. I never watched the Simpsons but I have surely seen many examples of art predicting real life. Thanks