All these articles seem to suggest that our collective destiny is predetermined. At first glance, it may seem inevitable. Indeed, these decisions could lead to many losses (of lives). However, author John Leake suggests there is hope. He believes humanity has the capacity to overcome this communist inclination, as depicted here [https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/the-unhumans-are-coming?].

See also this:


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I had already read both of these articles. There is always hope but the end of the insanity is in the hands of the people and sadly I have very little faith in the fighting spirit of most Americans.

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At least, Venezuelans have grown weary of Marxism. Vaclav Havel also explained in his book how his fellow men and women (real biological women, that is) felt repulsed by communism.

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...hi Luc!, i tend to agree with ur perceptions, i couldn't state my thoughts in adequate words, in a comment, however, and this may sound odd, but in some 'esoteric' sense of things that is doubtless 'occult' (which merely means hidden, in regard to whether black or white elements! ), i had long felt a peculiar sense that each time we read their plans as they are presented in their documentations, we are ??, the word that conveys my meaning escapes me right now, in effect diminishing their power, our natural rejection of their nefarious extremes constitutes a contrary and active power, after all words are SPELLings, and each of our rejections inverts the directions of their forces, i mean why do they produce so much paperwork, obviously there must be a power in it, beyond the obvious regulatory, etc...

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DNA Harvesting & Global Sterilization.


Janet Yellen, a pitiful excuse for existenz.

There is nothing in this Bitch which is worthy of being called a human...

In her veins there is no blood.


Take back Authority of yourselves.

Mandatory vaxxination is against Human rights and the AUthority of yourself.

The Illegality of the Government and the Laws we need to save our Souls


And all you need to know about the Bank for International Settlements is that is was founded by Adolf Hitler and Hjilmar Schecht on behalf of the Rothschilds prior to the invasion of Czechoslovakia.

Britain gave Hitler $9-million in gold through the BIS

There is more to the tale of Czechoslovak gold being stolen by Germany than the Bank of England’s embarrassment – the Bank for International Settlements actually financed Hitler’s war machine.


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Yellen must be smoking angel dust!

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...thanks Karen!... i read almost all of the very good Broze article over at Patrick Woods, it's a blessing we have such great researchers, urself included as well, i can't keep up, there are so many great parts in so many articles out there that i need urgently get back to, however the dynamic is solidly forward at an alarming rate...and that's the perspective i've drawn from that article, i commented, and posted the link to Henry's video of 2002 in Colorado....it beats me why that video hasn't had more views, that 'fhecker'... 😀...as we used to say in Ireland, in the context of it's endearing, was so far ahead, and understood how these UN and it's associated systems work, it's practically ghostly the almost omnipotent appeal that video possesses... i've listened several times, and each time i'm left wondering have i previously bin listening at all?...

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To me Henry is an American hero that most people have never heard of and probably never will but a hero just the same. He tried to warn people since the 70's and he was so spot on. Henry was also a kind and gentle soul. He gave everything he had trying to help people see what was happening and what was in store for us all but too many chose to ignore him. He surely changed me and my life.

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...doubtless Henry was a class act, no doubt he's had a huge impact on ur life Karen, not to mention Michael, i meant to recheck before my own last post, that they had been born in Tennessee, at any rate they'd been based there....it is suggestive of an interesting mental exercise to try and visualize someone in 70's America, and the post war propaganda then current, and someone knowledgeable trying to expound on this UN Agenda in it's already advanced nascent stages....i'm not being facetious when i regard his talk as invaluable, and have no hesitation in regarding it among those that ought to be foremost in the footnotes to the Sermon on the Mount... innumerable relations and cross references may easily be established to augment my assertion.... there are ironies in our existences from which it is impossible to escape, nor should we want to...i spent fruitful years, especially the first two decades of this century on undeniably a serious spiritual

journey, i had gone really east, and discovered the roots of age old Christianity, and an example of the irony i infer is that during first lockdown i encountered the name of Benedectine Fr John Main, founder of the World Christian Community Meditation organization) which imo now seems Globalist orientated), of whom I'd never heard, while I was aware of a phase of his familial roots in a place called Ballinskelligs in Co Kerry, which is only over the mountain from our own...and in fact, i soon sensed that here's what must be a

connection to Ramans Maharshi, in South India, and hey presto, I discovered that Main had been influenced by a Swami Satayananda of Kuala Lumpur, who had, yes, spent a period at Ramana's ashram!....anyway, it's been a tremendous switch for me in terms of adopting some of my understanding in terms of what's unfolding, and i feel i've been adequately prepared from those perspectives!...(edit: apologies WCCM... World Community Christian Meditation...i'm making a few mistakes these last couple days!... 😱...)...

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