As a former Navy SEAL, the very FIRST thing that coursed through my mind when Team Six was murdered was "payback." That was the payment for Bin Laden, pure and simple.

One of the most important things they trained us to do is NEVER put the men in a situation where many can be taken out with one move. You don't patrol (walk) in a single file. You stay 25 yards apart. You work as a team, but not so physically close that one mine, grenade, sniper, etc., can wipe out your team. You DO NOT put all your men on one chopper!! (those damn things are suicide machines, anyway - you always "spread your treasure").

A chopper pilot knows to avoid flying low over an area that can conceal ground fire. For all we know, he whispered "Allah Akbar" on the way over that mountaintop. There were too many breeches in protocol to support any intelligent explanation for why that massacre was just another fortune of war.

You don't have to be a mental giant to see who is behind the curtain and what they have done. That does not say much for 80% of American citizens who watch the media and fool themselves into believing they are informed. In reality, they cannot find their own butts with both hands.

The treasonous criminals that have gotten us to where we are have been acting with the full faith and support of the ignorant masses...and all our money. They bowl through the halls of our most powerful assemblies with impunity and "authority." I do not envy them when the God they insult judges them!!

"For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble. The day that is coming shall set them ablaze, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch." Malachi 4:1

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I am not a Navy Seal but I knew the truth immediately and I knew you never put an entire Seal team on the same airplane, chopper etc. Just the same as the VP and President never fly on the same airplane. A vit for Harris-Obama/Walz is a vote against America. She is not winning. There is already mounting evidence that she is paying people to attend her events. The polls are rigged They are setting up the cover up of the next election steal from the American people. Chronicles 7:14

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I began looking behind that curtain during the crazed Covid era and what I found broke my heart. It first felt like it couldn’t be true that my beloved country could be behind so many terrible things, but it was true. If we don’t take it back, we are just another 3rd world country. That’s what we’ve been, but didn’t know. Now we do know (many of us) but it remains to be seen if we will prevail.

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Only divine intervention will help us at this point. But I am not sure we are deserving of God's forgiveness at this point. So many have turned their back on God and we are now under judgement.

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BAMB Karen🎯

Somehow I can’t quit wondering if this is why she collapsed on the 911 anniversary (2016).

She may of had intelligence of Parrot and knew it could possibly be in Trump’s hands.🤷‍♂️


I bet they executed the falconer!🙏

(I was on this yellow brick road journey too in 2020😳)

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It is time for The USA and The American People to TAKE OUT THE TRASH. That means ILLEGAL ALIENS AND CORRUPT POLITICIANS who are fucking US ALL.

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When it's OK to hate your Givernment.

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Spot on

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