9 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders,

10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.

11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false,

12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Just as God will save; those who love His truth, He will give over those who hate truth and pleasure in unrighteousness to their lies and delusions.

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... apt verses all applicable, power, false signs and wonders resonated with me, despite being very familiar with the verses, sometimes words hit u, unexpectedly, and groove their necessary impressions in our minds, yeah, that resonates, and reveals the nature of humanity's enemy!...thanks!...

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A comment on Tim Walz’s entangled connections to the Chinese Communist Party:

The root cause of the National crisis is NOT only Walz, but the complete collapses of the justice system of the United States.

Any country will NOT survive when traitors are not prosecuted: they are the presidents and governors, Attorneys General, the FBI directors and the agents, the judges from the local courts up to the US Supreme Court. In addition, the top military leaders are not only moronic and incompetent, they collude with the traitors for their personal benefits, and the police forces across the nation. There are good guys for sure, but they are extremely impotent or perplexed to handle treasonous crimes or too few to be of any effectiveness. The corrupt military forces will lose any wars with external hostile forces, but it’s a cake walk for them to smash ordinary citizens, as Joe Biden blatantly told us they have F-15s.

In any case, the Dems will commit massive frauds and “win”the election if things are going in the current direction. Yes, Chinese Communists are evil, but the worst enemies are found in the Democratic politicians (all of them) and voters who support them.

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I never said Walz is the only CCP traitor. We have many running this country from inside and outside our borders.

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tessa lena has done herculean work on how parasites may be responsible for all sorts of problems that rockefeller medicine refuses to recognize https://tessa.substack.com/p/parasites-and-philosophy-of-medicine. scroll down to the middle of the page for a pdf of her provocative study of toxoplasmosis

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Thank you!! I can hardly look at events today without verses like this coming to mind. Blessings. Brent

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...ur welcome, and it's amazing how precisely they correspond to the scenarios!...🙏➕🙏...

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The US reeks of traitors.

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This looks to be a great line up of links today. Thanks Karen.

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Thanks Keith. Lots to take in today.

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The understanding of how parasites can cause cancer is an upside to this horrible Covid Ponzi scheme.

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... thanks Karen, ur right, that's some effort by the veteran, and all the more poignant he being a veteran, as u know, u can read reams of these documents, however due to constraints in space etc there's only so much one can transmit, from what i've read of those i found myself in regular agreement, and he threw up plenty of material and sources i had no idea of, by way of a Note, he implied that those political entities they turn out on msm are deceptive, in while they appear doddering and relatively innocuous the nefarious forces they front are far from similar, and are perfectly coherent in their corroborated aggression against witless (of their own choice surely at this stage) populations....posting this link of a warning of food shortages to Americans, which is interesting in that it's possible scare mongering coincides with the PHEIC, so people's access to food could be played against their taking... 💉...https://expose-news.com/2024/08/17/uus-gov-has-failed-to-prioritise-food-security/ ... and here's an interesting and literally provocative article... https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/when-the-saxons-begin-to-fight?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=30495&post_id=147720773&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1uo2p8&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email ....with some rousing sentiments, some astute comments included, and one by a TriTorch and substack at... https://tritorch.substack.com/?utm_medium=web ... folk are wising up, so we may see some interesting developments that swing the pendelum somewhat in our direction, it is possible... (...edit: looking forward to the next stack, from our DTP...😀..., using the acronym of ur head, by way of your introduction!...can't even say things in light hearted jest any more, due to the oppression?!...)...

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