I lived near Tacoma/Seattle for 70 years. The pay per mile thing started maybe 20 years ago and it’s implementation is now imminent for Washington State. It started with offering a slight rate reduction if you would attach a transponder to your vehicle and also let you skip the toll booths at the bottleneck entrance to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Then it expanded to the floating bridges and then to allow paid access to commuter lanes during peak hours on the freeways. Washington hates drivers and intentionally creates massive congestion and bottlenecks by never, and I mean never, completing road construction projects in the heaviest traffic areas. There’s a 20+ year unfinished project on I-5 through the middle of Tacoma. They create congestion and then collect a ransom for bypassing the problem they created. Now they are developing a GPS based system for tracking and charging drivers the minute they pull out of their driveways using variable rates based on the road choice and time of day.

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Yes, The evil Soviet is the primary motivator for transplanted multi-decade residents, who may have arrived by warcraft, to emigrate back to the echos of America. The Trotskyite domino theory of their conquests holds within our borders, just as the murderous tyrannical traitor Lincoln wanted.

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Lex Greene obviously doesn’t follow Emerald Robinson or know anything about the easily rigged voting machines, the millions of fraudulent mail in ballots or that the last election was stolen. He humorously believes the outcome of the Nov 5 election and the outcome of this country is in OUR hands in how we vote. Bless his little heart.

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I assure you he does understand totally about how the election was stolen but to say that WE will not have any influence on the outcome is not productive.

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I guess we’ll see. Lex just responded by email to me. He essentially said people did nothing after all the stolen elections. THAT I agree with. What happens is that elections get rigged and then writers say “How could people be so stupid to elect THAT guy?” People get blamed for being stupid when it’s the machines (and those controlling them) doing the choosing. It’s an important distinction imho. And we have done practically nothing to fix the machines or the mail in ballots for this Nov. The election WILL get rigged again and it will give us another Obama term unless we hit the streets and knock some heads around.

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I am good friends with Lex Greene. He knows a lot more than most about what is going on.

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I’ve no doubt. I had no intention of disparaging him, I just think it’s counterproductive to put blame on the voting choices of the people when they have no voting choice. I made the same mistake myself 25+ years ago until I discovered the machines were being manipulated and then people’s voting choices were blamed instead for the state of the world (a tactic used to divide us).

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... just dropping this in here Karen... https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/psyop-ww3-rising-america-prepares?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=400535&post_id=145644356&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1uo2p8&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email ... i don't like the look of narrative here, I'll look at ur post later, thanks!...btw, i love that meme, it's 'up there' with several of the others!...

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