
This is very interesting. I’m not sure who to believe anymore.

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I believe Sasha is correct about the military involvement and that has been proven. Perhaps this guy is protecting the military?? She never said TRUMP was in on this. It was rolled out during the Trump administration but I believe they were working on this way before they released it. Anyone that does not believe our government places no value on the America citizen is truly to be questioned. Dr. David Martin and Katherine Watt have proven the DODs involvement. They hid a ton of stuff from Trump and they lied to him constantly. Dr. Alexander and others have testified to that. They hated Trump and had no respect for him and they were running the country behind his back. He only thought he was President but the left had a different idea.

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What has been proven? What was the Military's role and at what point were they involved? Attorney Robert Barnes is on video clarifying their role, which is easy to comprehend if you follow the timeline of Covid19 and when Obama's Operation Warp Speed was initiated.

Sasha is on record saying that Trump put us under Military dictatorship, which is a big fat lie that her followers are repeating:


She's on video with Jane Ruby discussing Executive Orders re: Quarantines where they're blaming Trump when these Eos were signed before Trump ran for POTUS. It is obvious that neither one of them is knowledgeable about the history of quarantine orders which were signed into law in the 1940s with an EO and Regulations following the legislation.

Sasha is a Hillary supporter who is spewing hate against our Military, it's not a surprise that her daughter advocates for the murder of LEOs, apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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Thx La Gata for the link. I’ll have to make myself watch this to see what she actually said. You can’t play two sides of the coin and expect people to buy it.

Seems this substacker was on to it way before anyone else!

“Don’t believe the chosen ,selected, MFM heroes. They are simply a hamster wheel to keep you exhausted in and away from the real truth.” 👍👍👍

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I have never heard Sasha say it directly but I did watch her on a podcast (can’t remember which one cause i don’t watch him…I like watching her) that just bounced by me so it was Sasha being asked the question “do you think trump is behind this” and her answer was “I think so”. However, I did not see her video with Dr. Ruby. So she thinks so…that’s not confirmative. They do not know because they can’t back it up.

Getting back to Sasha…if you review what I attached (IMO) she is playing reverse psychology with La Gata. Sasha isn’t MAGA😂and that’s okay! But read it. Read her comments like she is a trump supporter! Really? The way she’s faking her statements. Something is a miss here but hey, I’m just here to give you what has been given to me and my opinions.

Yes, I have always followed Martin. I was in patent litigation for years so that as well as other interest got me inquisitive about him. Patents do not lie. And it’s a dog eat dog business cause I know plenty of snakes that loved to steal each others clients. The greed for money was astounding to me…especially when I retired…I never realized I was in such a political arena! Check out “The Patent Scam” friend sent it to me after I retired and It sent chills down my spine cause “there it was, BAMB, I’m being sued at exactly 12:01 midnight new years”…that was me😳😳😳Lead counsel says give him one hell of a new year! I guess I did, per my job. I see things a while lot different now. Patents are like gold to the psychopaths!

I see what you are saying about the military. However, I do not think it’s the military per se…it’s the scumbags maybe at the top that hold patents? Hell, who really knows the truth these days. We seem to be playing musical chairs 24/7.

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Don’t believe the chosen ,selected, MFM heroes. They are simply a hamster wheel to keep you exhausted in and away from the real truth.

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What is MFM?

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Medical Freedom Movement

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Thx. What is your version of real truth? I’ve been confused every since reviewing ss. Lol

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Karen thank you for all you do! Another win from SCOTUS this week was the Purdue Pharma / Sackler Family case - both are now financially liable for paying restitution to OxyContin opioid injuries.

Perhaps a sneak peek into future cases against C19 injuries?

Linda M. / Georgia

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Thanks Linda. I appreciate the info.

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