I enjoy your posts Karen, but your last comment around having a half brain re:the “government hit” strikes me as falling for exactly the perspective you are being asked (programmed) to believe…there is always more to a story than the blatantly obvious…

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Did you ever consider that perhaps it is you that is programmed??

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Really? Where else have you seen a split screen with a timer showing the inside and outside activities? It is hard pill to take that someone within the system may be willing to kill for power.

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My point is that she defaults to blaming the "government"...and my guess is that she has a party in mind with which to attach blame. Seeing is not necessarily believing these days, nor is jumping to the most emotionally triggering (and divisive) conclusion. Killing for power is absolutely happening - that much I AM sure about.

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Yes I do believe the obvious........our government planned the assassination of Trump just like they murdered JFK and RFK and probably Martin Luther King too. When you look at the evidence there is no question. The members of the CIA, FBI, SS DO NOT make mistakes like were made on Saturday. I also believe that both the Rs and the Ds are both capable of murdering anyone that interferes with their plans or their money flow.

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As I said above, there is no doubt in my mind that murder, attempted murder, and murder psyops are happening …I just don’t limit my language to “government”, especially during these divisive times. I’m not at all convinced there are two “sides”…that’s all.

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The Deep Statist Feral Coupist CiA/FIB/DHS gov leaders are INTENTIONALLY Criminal, Unconstitutional, and Murderous.

Unless assuming they All have Biden's Dementia ......

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Government, is the word used to refer to people who wield power over the masses. We are still a democracy the last time I checked, though we are starting to look more like a banana republic.

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The Uniparty?

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The UniRat Party, Bolshevik democRats & rinoRat Quislings, Both Criminal and full of hubris.

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