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...hi Karen, i'm bleary eyed right now, however letting u know that after a rocky beginning, and been at a loss at times the area being so vast, in regards to how to proceed, nevertheless i apparently progressed so far as to have practically completed a post (tomorrow morning or early afternoon i expect!?) wherein i approach this climate change lark, and accredit towards it's end the

influence of the 'Tennessee Three' as an aid to my thus far, admittedly limited understanding. The post may not remotely reflect the time i spent in the last few days perusing sections of relevant documents etc, and potential material for perhaps future posts on the

subject. Wishing u an enjoyable evening in the meantime, Karen!

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Thanks. I look forward to your next post.

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...thanks Karen!...i appreciate ur welcome interest... well the eagle has landed, the cat is out of the bag, whatever! earlier, i had been on the verge of posting when i inadvertently superimposed a copy of the material over the original, it took an age to recover the original, and the bizarre thing is that this occurred at a moment when i'd written 'superimposed' or a variation of it, or perhaps had hovered over it...however, it forced me to revisit the material, and based on my changesi i'm relatively happy that i did, the reader will also be glad! and i'll be interested to see how it reads myself later today, though I'm not keen on reading my material at least soon after it's written....wishing u a peaceful evening Karen!...and thanks again, naturally!...

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About the "Sumit of the Future"...

The Jews call it a seeder.

Seeder as in planting a seed of poison Ivy... poisoning the Human race.

Every WEF meeting... every Bilderberg meeting... every summit... is a seeder.

There they write their plans of the future while we are looking into the past.

And they make us pay for their corruption and their lies... criminals they are!

Yet they deny us the truth of our existenz.

They deny us the labor of our own work.

History is a Lie.

At the present we are slaves to these arseholes.

The Future is ours to take.

A Revolution is necessary and heads of state must be chopped by the Guillotine once again.


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BIDEN: I'll never forget the feeling of relief when Senator Chappaquiddick died.

I know the Republicans kept him around because he was a very predictable Dem and posed little threat. But seeing the last playboy murderer in that family croak was a relief to me.

However, nature HATES a vacuum!

The nation was sick to death of prosperity and freedom, so we got Slick Willy by a margin of the religious RIGHT that thought voting was a sin, so they abstained!! "Excuse me, Churchy People, but do you know how many political opponents were murdered by these Arkansas land-grabbers? That's not to mention the numbers of women and little girls raped!" That's on you and the dems!

So, I'm getting this warm, runny feeling from Creepy Joe's tearful goodbye. It's good to have just one more career criminal out of office. But, let's not put all our eggs in the Trump basket. If we don't clean up our entire party, we'll just keep trading sham leaders and empty suits until we're a colony again.

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