Americans, please take the IMMEDIATE ACTIONs listed, against the stealth "WHO-enthroning", "sovereignty-killing" Biden amendments to the International Health Regulations, which will be voted on by the World Health Assembly from May 22nd to 28th. And please share this great action substack with others - thanks!
Thanks. I made my phone calls today....very interesting responses. I also copied the phone script and sent to them in email as well. Thanks so much for all of your support and help.
You are welcome. This is truly "an all hands on deck" situation. Printed your action items and phone scripts above and passed it out at a local meeting tonight. Everyone was extremely interested. They came up with several area individuals they are going to send the information to
So you think that an International organization like the WHO with their new 'Fake' rules has authority over the entire U.S. Constitution? Let's see the U.S. military lock up its citizens for not obeying the WHO rules. Get ready for a civil war if you think that will happen. Remember there are over 300 million armed citizens who are ready to protect their families.
Excuse me but have you seen who is running our military? Have you seen who is leaving the military (patriots) and who is staying (traitors). Another reality you need to face is the fact that Americans would not even refuse to put a filthy, germ filled mask on their face, businesses refused to stand up against this tyrannical government and allowed the businesses that they struggled to keep afloat go down the drain. People injecting an EXPERIMENTAL gene therapy in their arm in order to keep a job or out of fear from a virus that DID NOT kill as many people as the yearly flu. Those that died did not die from COVID they died from doctors refusing to provide early treatment and hospital protocols that were meant to kill people while lining the pockets of hospital administrators with a 20% kick in the hospital bill as long as they adhered to the deadly protocol. Sorry, but we either fight NOW or in the very near future it will be too late. I have no faith in the American people. How did the Nazis torture and murder so many people when the prisoners and citizens of the countries far outnumbered the Nazi soldiers? Think about it. This cabal understands the power of "fear." They have used fear to convince people the earth is coming to an end unless we give up our car, heating our homes, eating meat etc. All lies and all the lies based in fear to control people. What they are doing is turning the NWO to come out of the WHO because we can drive support using fear and the lie they care about our well being and when I look around and see people still walking on the street, alone, in the fresh air with masks on their face I know we are in deep trouble and the only solution we have is 1. PREPARE 2. read our Declaration of Independence. It clearly tells us the solution.
Karen is right. Most Americans will not resist "suggested" pandemic response measures. More importantly, IT IS MUCH BETTER TO WORK DILIGENTLY TO STOP THE BREACH OF OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS NOW, RATHER THAN NEED TO TAKE UP ARMS TO STOP IT NEXT YEAR.
Karen is totally right. The people are not rational at all. I have watched my friends and family turn on me for telling them not to fall for the FEAR. Everyone went out and got the jabs to keep their jobs and other stupid reasons (travel, go to concerts, free donuts, etc.) Do you think these people will have your back? My own family members will shoot me in the back if they government said to do it because I was a threat to the "common good." I was called a threat to the "public" at my company where I stood against the mandates and lost my job of 17 years. I talked to several neighbors and told them what happened to me with my job and they said "they wish they were as strong as me as they took the jabs." I am surrounded by the weakest humans which have been the "useful idiots" of the enemy. They will not fight back.
First I just want to thank you so much for sacrificing for our country by serving in the military. And I do not blame you for being pissed off. This is no longer the country you tried to defend. The American people (not all) are not what Americans used to be. I have faith in my God and at this point no one or nothing else. I do not allow fear into my heart because it is fear they use to destroy us. Thank you for your input. I know many, including myself, that have had the same experience. You are not alone.
Thanks Karen. Yes, we only have God at this point. Yes, FEAR is what they use to divide and conquer us. I don't let FEAR rule over me at all and I try to tell others this as well, but most don't listen. I conquered my FEAR while in the military during the Gulf war. I think it needs to be learned at some point in their lives and most people have always given into their FEAR and we saw this during the Covid scamdemic.
Good statement. I wish people would start practicing living without fear. I always tell them look during Covid as they Satanic elite thought the narrative was losing its ability to create fear and they came out with "murder hornets" and later some "worms - I think jumping worms." I said and someday they will do the aliens and UFO stuff as it worked so good back in the old days with the "War of the Worlds" radio show which was deemed to be a CIA or some government agency psyop to determine the public's reaction. You would think they would get it by now.
Remember the Obama/Biden Administration believes that gun control is an emergency health-related issue. It is likely that they are doing this to bypass the UN Arms Treaty and give the WHO the ability to seize our weapons. If we have three co-equal branches of government, why aren’t the other two able to stop this administration’s constant efforts to undermine our country?
Thank you Karen, I did some emails yesterday. James Roguski’s Substack has templates and a submit button to forward to over 141 reps, congress people, Loyce Pace, et al. I keep posting a call to action on Truth Social with the link to
I am attempting to bring this critical information to podcasters and influencers to get the attention of Patriots and concerned citizens around the globe. 🙏🏼🇺🇸🙏🏼
Thanks for whatever you feel you can do to spread the word. Right now spreading the word and phone calls to members of Congress have the best impact. They do take notice when they get a lot of phone calls on a particular issue.
I work very closely with James and I am not aware of anything that automatically sends an email directly to 141 members of Congress. We have links to find your member of Congress but nothing that automatically sends and email to 141 members of Congress.
Thank you for that clarification, I read something wrong or misunderstood. I completed the information and hit submit and did receive the generic response from Representative Dutch Ruppersburger from MD.
I was referring to the portion with all the dots that you click on to see the names and titles of all the people involved. I did not select any one in particular and atleast the one went through.
I was so alarmed by this information that in my haste I overlooked something that lead me to make that conclusion.
Not to worry I only added that here, I merely posted the link (dontyoudare .info) with a call to action on Truth Social.
Thank you for bringing that to my attention I will go back in and complete more emails and follow up with phone calls this week.
The IHR is a legally binding International Executive Agreement signed many years ago. If these amendments get passed (and they will) the WHO WILL have control whether you want to believe it or not. Famine and pathogens are the easiest way to get people to give up their freedom and both are coming our way. You can have your own opinion but you cannot have your own facts. Perhaps you should read the amendments to the IHR that are proposed instead of the lies and rhetoric from the criminal CCP controlled WHO. During a PHEIC the WHO will have complete control of 194 member states. I ave read more about this than most Americans. If you look at my substack tomorrow I am again providing an explanation of the amendments. If there is no threat how come people from all over the world are saying the same darn thing. People all over the world are concerned about this and what it means for the sovereignty of their country. People with a heck of lot more expertise than you or me and they are screaming about this. I talk to these people. You obviously do not. If you want to believe there is no danger then go ahead but I have researched this subject enough to know there is a grave threat. The UN has tried to destroy the US for years and now they have the perfect plan. Fear, Pathogens, Famine. All coming to a town near you and very soon. And when they come the WHO will be there to tell us all what to do. And they did such a stellar job with the recent scamdemic they helped create.
I wrote the Substack so of course I am following the actions I am asking others to do. Phone calls to US members of Congress is the most important thing we can do right now. If by chance any Senator mentions S.2297 let them know we are not talking about that legislation. THANK YOU SO MUCH for the support. If I can be of any assistance please feel free to contact me. My email address is:
I will be spending the day tomorrow making my phone calls and I am also going to send emails as a double hit.
Yep I did the same. Made phone calls and copied the script and sent email. I will be calling again next week. THANKS SO MUCH!!
Geez! I’m late to the party
. I was only today and yesterday writing whoever and asking friends and family to do the same.
Thank you so much for all your hard work, Karen ♥️
Americans, please take the IMMEDIATE ACTIONs listed, against the stealth "WHO-enthroning", "sovereignty-killing" Biden amendments to the International Health Regulations, which will be voted on by the World Health Assembly from May 22nd to 28th. And please share this great action substack with others - thanks!
Have spent this morning emailinng. Will make my phone calls tomorrow
Thanks. I made my phone calls today....very interesting responses. I also copied the phone script and sent to them in email as well. Thanks so much for all of your support and help.
You are welcome. This is truly "an all hands on deck" situation. Printed your action items and phone scripts above and passed it out at a local meeting tonight. Everyone was extremely interested. They came up with several area individuals they are going to send the information to
So you think that an International organization like the WHO with their new 'Fake' rules has authority over the entire U.S. Constitution? Let's see the U.S. military lock up its citizens for not obeying the WHO rules. Get ready for a civil war if you think that will happen. Remember there are over 300 million armed citizens who are ready to protect their families.
Excuse me but have you seen who is running our military? Have you seen who is leaving the military (patriots) and who is staying (traitors). Another reality you need to face is the fact that Americans would not even refuse to put a filthy, germ filled mask on their face, businesses refused to stand up against this tyrannical government and allowed the businesses that they struggled to keep afloat go down the drain. People injecting an EXPERIMENTAL gene therapy in their arm in order to keep a job or out of fear from a virus that DID NOT kill as many people as the yearly flu. Those that died did not die from COVID they died from doctors refusing to provide early treatment and hospital protocols that were meant to kill people while lining the pockets of hospital administrators with a 20% kick in the hospital bill as long as they adhered to the deadly protocol. Sorry, but we either fight NOW or in the very near future it will be too late. I have no faith in the American people. How did the Nazis torture and murder so many people when the prisoners and citizens of the countries far outnumbered the Nazi soldiers? Think about it. This cabal understands the power of "fear." They have used fear to convince people the earth is coming to an end unless we give up our car, heating our homes, eating meat etc. All lies and all the lies based in fear to control people. What they are doing is turning the NWO to come out of the WHO because we can drive support using fear and the lie they care about our well being and when I look around and see people still walking on the street, alone, in the fresh air with masks on their face I know we are in deep trouble and the only solution we have is 1. PREPARE 2. read our Declaration of Independence. It clearly tells us the solution.
Karen is right. Most Americans will not resist "suggested" pandemic response measures. More importantly, IT IS MUCH BETTER TO WORK DILIGENTLY TO STOP THE BREACH OF OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS NOW, RATHER THAN NEED TO TAKE UP ARMS TO STOP IT NEXT YEAR.
Karen is totally right. The people are not rational at all. I have watched my friends and family turn on me for telling them not to fall for the FEAR. Everyone went out and got the jabs to keep their jobs and other stupid reasons (travel, go to concerts, free donuts, etc.) Do you think these people will have your back? My own family members will shoot me in the back if they government said to do it because I was a threat to the "common good." I was called a threat to the "public" at my company where I stood against the mandates and lost my job of 17 years. I talked to several neighbors and told them what happened to me with my job and they said "they wish they were as strong as me as they took the jabs." I am surrounded by the weakest humans which have been the "useful idiots" of the enemy. They will not fight back.
First I just want to thank you so much for sacrificing for our country by serving in the military. And I do not blame you for being pissed off. This is no longer the country you tried to defend. The American people (not all) are not what Americans used to be. I have faith in my God and at this point no one or nothing else. I do not allow fear into my heart because it is fear they use to destroy us. Thank you for your input. I know many, including myself, that have had the same experience. You are not alone.
Thanks Karen. Yes, we only have God at this point. Yes, FEAR is what they use to divide and conquer us. I don't let FEAR rule over me at all and I try to tell others this as well, but most don't listen. I conquered my FEAR while in the military during the Gulf war. I think it needs to be learned at some point in their lives and most people have always given into their FEAR and we saw this during the Covid scamdemic.
I put out a Substack each day and here is the intro on a daily basis: "Fear will not stop you from dying, it will stop you from living"
Good statement. I wish people would start practicing living without fear. I always tell them look during Covid as they Satanic elite thought the narrative was losing its ability to create fear and they came out with "murder hornets" and later some "worms - I think jumping worms." I said and someday they will do the aliens and UFO stuff as it worked so good back in the old days with the "War of the Worlds" radio show which was deemed to be a CIA or some government agency psyop to determine the public's reaction. You would think they would get it by now.
Indeed. Fear is the key to paralysis of living and thinking. But perfect, strictly complete, love casts out fear.
Remember the Obama/Biden Administration believes that gun control is an emergency health-related issue. It is likely that they are doing this to bypass the UN Arms Treaty and give the WHO the ability to seize our weapons. If we have three co-equal branches of government, why aren’t the other two able to stop this administration’s constant efforts to undermine our country?
Thank you Karen, I did some emails yesterday. James Roguski’s Substack has templates and a submit button to forward to over 141 reps, congress people, Loyce Pace, et al. I keep posting a call to action on Truth Social with the link to
I am attempting to bring this critical information to podcasters and influencers to get the attention of Patriots and concerned citizens around the globe. 🙏🏼🇺🇸🙏🏼
Thanks for whatever you feel you can do to spread the word. Right now spreading the word and phone calls to members of Congress have the best impact. They do take notice when they get a lot of phone calls on a particular issue.
I work very closely with James and I am not aware of anything that automatically sends an email directly to 141 members of Congress. We have links to find your member of Congress but nothing that automatically sends and email to 141 members of Congress.
I will be making phone calls to my reps this week. Thank you
Thank you so much. If they start talking S.2297 let them know this has nothing to do with that legislation.
Thank you for that clarification, I read something wrong or misunderstood. I completed the information and hit submit and did receive the generic response from Representative Dutch Ruppersburger from MD.
I was referring to the portion with all the dots that you click on to see the names and titles of all the people involved. I did not select any one in particular and atleast the one went through.
I was so alarmed by this information that in my haste I overlooked something that lead me to make that conclusion.
Not to worry I only added that here, I merely posted the link (dontyoudare .info) with a call to action on Truth Social.
Thank you for bringing that to my attention I will go back in and complete more emails and follow up with phone calls this week.
Go to 16.2
Click on A75/18
Read ALL 13 pages, it isn't there.
Go to 16.2
Click on A75/18 and READ FOR YOURSELF. There is no giving up our Sovereignty.
The IHR is a legally binding International Executive Agreement signed many years ago. If these amendments get passed (and they will) the WHO WILL have control whether you want to believe it or not. Famine and pathogens are the easiest way to get people to give up their freedom and both are coming our way. You can have your own opinion but you cannot have your own facts. Perhaps you should read the amendments to the IHR that are proposed instead of the lies and rhetoric from the criminal CCP controlled WHO. During a PHEIC the WHO will have complete control of 194 member states. I ave read more about this than most Americans. If you look at my substack tomorrow I am again providing an explanation of the amendments. If there is no threat how come people from all over the world are saying the same darn thing. People all over the world are concerned about this and what it means for the sovereignty of their country. People with a heck of lot more expertise than you or me and they are screaming about this. I talk to these people. You obviously do not. If you want to believe there is no danger then go ahead but I have researched this subject enough to know there is a grave threat. The UN has tried to destroy the US for years and now they have the perfect plan. Fear, Pathogens, Famine. All coming to a town near you and very soon. And when they come the WHO will be there to tell us all what to do. And they did such a stellar job with the recent scamdemic they helped create.
A small group of us are posting this action substack to as many people as we can think of - please do the same- thanks!
I wrote the Substack so of course I am following the actions I am asking others to do. Phone calls to US members of Congress is the most important thing we can do right now. If by chance any Senator mentions S.2297 let them know we are not talking about that legislation. THANK YOU SO MUCH for the support. If I can be of any assistance please feel free to contact me. My email address is: